@An225Maria Hey Im back sorry. Had to get a new phone. I need to retest the ship. Im not sure I remember. And thanks! Hope you enjoy the ship! Since I returned there will be more coming soon! Have a awesome day! ^^
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but the delay seems to be taking longer than expected. Once I get the game back, I will get right to work, but until then, I apologise. Have a Fantastic day.
@StandTall It may take awhile due, to the amount of parts on this ship, but, I will see if i can try, but no promises that i can get a successful split, it will be a Prototype for the time being.
@jdw6701 The Sinkable update has been uploaded as TITANIC (SINKING UPDATE!!). I sincerely hope you enjoy, and if there are any mistakes please PM me, and I will get right too it as fast as I can. Have a good night.
@jdw6701 No problem, and if there are any imperfections that somehow passed the test without any signs, just pm me and I'll take it into a few more tests to find the error. Have a fantastic day.
@jdw6701 here is the link to the sinkable version of this vessel. I hope you enjoy, and if there's any faults please PM me and I'll gladly take a look and run it through some tests to find the faults you may have listed, have a fantastic day.
@WEAPONSMITH look at yhe doscription... theres no copy roght oooh so cool! I give creadit to any creator. Dont report it if it says other stuff and not including creadit to creator... people these days
@Halphas thx and ill take ur word for it... it was a battle ship hull i found tho, ill make one from scratch and maybe you can help me improve on the width if thats ok with you
@Gestour I know I watched all three movies and I think the fourth movie if there's a fourth one. But I watched all of em when I was a little kid. To be honest it's amazing
@An225Maria the vtol turns the ship. I figured it out.
@Mike542 there is one that DOES float however.
@Mike542 Did you read the title before you downloaded it? It says "Sinkable" in brackets. .-.
@Demonslayer265 if you ever need help pm me and Ill see what I can do. Im always free to help! :)
@An225Maria Hey Im back sorry. Had to get a new phone. I need to retest the ship. Im not sure I remember. And thanks! Hope you enjoy the ship! Since I returned there will be more coming soon! Have a awesome day! ^^
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but the delay seems to be taking longer than expected. Once I get the game back, I will get right to work, but until then, I apologise. Have a Fantastic day.
Unfortunately, The cruise ship has been delayed. I got a new phone but I would have to buy it again, so untill then, there is a delay.
@StandTall It may take awhile due, to the amount of parts on this ship, but, I will see if i can try, but no promises that i can get a successful split, it will be a Prototype for the time being.
@jdw6701 I would say the positive comments mean there are no faults, I'm glad you love it, hope your day is doing fantastic for ya.
It keeps floating up
@jdw6701 The Sinkable update has been uploaded as TITANIC (SINKING UPDATE!!). I sincerely hope you enjoy, and if there are any mistakes please PM me, and I will get right too it as fast as I can. Have a good night.
+1@jdw6701 No problem, and if there are any imperfections that somehow passed the test without any signs, just pm me and I'll take it into a few more tests to find the error. Have a fantastic day.
@jdw6701 I'll see what I can do :)
@jdw6701 No problem. Enjoy your day.
+1@Demonslayer265 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/8Sq92T/R-M-S-TITANIC-It-sinks-too
+2@jdw6701 here is the link to the sinkable version of this vessel. I hope you enjoy, and if there's any faults please PM me and I'll gladly take a look and run it through some tests to find the faults you may have listed, have a fantastic day.
@jdw6701 This vessel is not ment to sink, but I can send you a link to one that does sink. Have a nice day sir.
can someone help me with the wooden floor like any ideas on how to create it? srry if i wasted your time... i dont mean too
@ShiptyCo oh i was way far off... have a fantastic day\night
@ShiptyCo yea.. I think around... 1910-1965
srry i yelled caps lock as on @MasonJ
@MasonJ not the TITANIC your thinking of.. I was just bored so I created this... and gave it the name U.S.S TITANIC... TO CURE MY BORDOM
@WEAPONSMITH look at yhe doscription... theres no copy roght oooh so cool! I give creadit to any creator. Dont report it if it says other stuff and not including creadit to creator... people these days
@ACMECo1940 TITANIC Sunk ol.impic survived thats why there are models of titanic that sink.
@ColonelDevlin Thx. I appreciat ur help. Thax alot for the help.
did good tho
why minecrafty people XD
@Halphas ok thx have a nice evening
@Halphas thx and ill take ur word for it... it was a battle ship hull i found tho, ill make one from scratch and maybe you can help me improve on the width if thats ok with you
srry about the empty comment, you did a Fantastic job. have a amazing evening!
Extermely srry for the wait I have lost my phone with the game on it and now I cant build so it might be a while not too sure@AmazingAidan
Its a different vessel its not supposed to be titanic I just havent thought of a name for it@503rdAirborneSoldier
That's so cool didn't relize the original creator tho but that's still so cool@AmazingAidan
Is it only powered by propellers
That would be great, thank u.@AmazingAidan
Do u want to be the one who sinks em. Or a modder. Both one or the other is gladly appreciated@AmazingAidan
@AmazingAidan I'll try my best promise.
Wibbly wobbly timey whimey... Stuff
@Cedy117 no pro
Jazz@Cedy117 @Cedy117 amazed by ur plane love it.
@SkipperBing nice job I love it and nice suppension on it too amazed.
@esms1999 no pro
@horatio hope u can to cpr to save it
@Gestour I know I watched all three movies and I think the fourth movie if there's a fourth one. But I watched all of em when I was a little kid. To be honest it's amazing
@esms1999 just amazing good job keep up the good work.
Looks like the ark from the movie Indiana Jones and the lost ark