11.7k Orao

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joined 4.5 years ago

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I'm kinda hate myself when I'm a trans furry, my brain's making me to be it
My brain be like:

Anyways, welcome to my bio

For introducing myself, My name is Orao (More like Oreo), also you can call me DaOrao (Let's go). I'm a boy (or femboy...end my life) 17 years olds and living in a country where there's tree language

I'm aviation lover, LGBTQ supporter and furry lover (lock on me and launch a missile if you're a furry hater ;-;)

Still bad at English

I'm mainly build military airplanes, rarely civilian aircrafts

Discord username:

How I found SimplePlanes and how can my skill improved to make high detailed aircrafts?

• Well, honestly, when I was child (about 6-8 years old) I was looking for a best flight simulator game to play and I saw a video of Jelly YouTubers about SimplePlanes, this game where you can build your own airplanes and fly, discover, destroy and maybe more. I was excited to download it but it need a little large money to buy it, I was kinda upset. Until 2019 (maybe), I found a website download Simpleplanes by APK mod, it was my dream come true
• About my skill, I found a website about SimplePlanes, there are a tons of aircrafts which we can download them and enjoy. I refer some cool aircrafts and watch some tutorial videos teaching about making landing gears, cockpit, wings, blah blah blah. That's how I can improve my skills and make some detailed aircrafts

My friends list

AWESOMENESS360 : A person who always support me

TheGliderGuy , 21011 , UgandaKnuckles :Bois

ZFRFRK : He's always support all my aircrafts and so do I

Skylerr : We was together fight against a toxic kid, now he was banned (toxic kid) :P

DaCoconutNut : When he made a forum about he was alone and nobody be his friend, so I accepted to be his friend and we're happy each others

Some useful tutorial links

• How to make hollow airliner fuselages and cockpit section

• Stabilizer tutorial

• A Guilde for making easy afterburners

• How to make custom weapons use subtitles for explanation

• How to make working custom landing gears

• How to add pictures to description

My beautiful images gallery

Thats all of the bio, enjoy all my builds here ;)

Previously known as Oreo2005, DaOreo2005, TigerSharkSP