0 OsamaBonJovi

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joined 2.4 years ago

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With the rise of the pseudo-religious military known as the SOL (Society of the Guiding Light), came the formation of a new superpower: The EUGO (Earth United Galactic Overwatch). The war has been raging for decades now, and still no ground has been gained by either side. With the age of the heroic foot soldiers dying out, a new way of fighting wars has begun. Intense naval battles between the dreadnaughts if either side, along with the new age of the air war. Pilots became the new soldiers, and the navy captains, the heroes. Nobody quite knows the extent of the loss suffered in the war, but one can guess that it is truly of immense scale. As the war rages on to this day, more secret projects begin to roll out, and more and more brave airmen and navy crew meet their ends. The end of the war is up to you. Choose wisely, and fly high my friends. May the fates be on your side.