i thought strikes were more of a figurative thing, more of if you keep doing this thing that gets you in trouble it will be noted and you can be banned if you keep it up, kinda thing
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook well yes but i am also talking about other aircraft, the Mig-29 and the Su-27 used to get me until i figured out the differences, it usually is the inlets, the vertical stabilizers, wing sweep, and cockpit
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook people criticize me when i can't name what kind of plane it was properly because i am being pressured and most of them look the same, there are the differences i try to use but sometimes it can be very minimal
@IStoleYourMeme a large chunk of this community probably never heard of me
so by resetting my points the first time they look at me they will think huh, ok he probably sucks at building
@NotSoNormalPioneer lmao
yes you did
@NotSoNormalPioneer lmao you don't have to sound aggressive
@Redisnotsusguys i saw your post
@xboxseriesx OwO
@NexusGaming yes the one in Nigeria
@NexusGaming OwO is an emoticon
most of the time used furrys because the w represents an animals mouth
@SyntheticL lol
@SyntheticL Sturgeon-class attack submarine
@PvtWade yeah your right in 1991
@PvtWade did they really? russian giving american things?
@NexusGaming lmao, maybe i am wink
ngl i kinda new about that alt for like months
hmmm perhaps
@JeskoGoesVROOM sorry that seemed a bit aggressive
@JeskoGoesVROOM that made no sense, you are implying that if you had the ability to you would do something entirely different
@EternalDarkness i see now
i thought strikes were more of a figurative thing, more of if you keep doing this thing that gets you in trouble it will be noted and you can be banned if you keep it up, kinda thing
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook yeah
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook well yes but i am also talking about other aircraft, the Mig-29 and the Su-27 used to get me until i figured out the differences, it usually is the inlets, the vertical stabilizers, wing sweep, and cockpit
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook people criticize me when i can't name what kind of plane it was properly because i am being pressured and most of them look the same, there are the differences i try to use but sometimes it can be very minimal
nah thats a Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star
thanks for noticing! >wo
@SmSmThe10684 angery dog noises
@Belugasub yes
@jamesPLANESii and?
i don't want em
@IStoleYourMeme a large chunk of this community probably never heard of me
so by resetting my points the first time they look at me they will think huh, ok he probably sucks at building
@IStoleYourMeme lol
@WiiWiiTheMini i already got one but ok
can i get my points reset?
@WiiWiiTheMini can you tag a dev or something?
@SmSmThe10684 thats better
@SmSmThe10684 you know its illegal to hunt animals here
nice Subaru
@tsampoy there were multiple variants i believe
@tsampoy indeed
ah yes
the plane from skyrim
@Cyan huh
@Cyan do you really?
and why is that?
thats a cool northrop grumman
nice mig
@Cyan i own the game through apple and my family don't use apple devices anymore
sorry i don't have acccess to the game
how is this on the front page?
@KerlonceauxIndustries OwO
@Euvand nice
@Euvand you can tag me on an unlisted post for details if you want them
@Euvand nice
i am going to use your aircraft carrier in a film if that is fine
@RedWasNotTheImposter that account is fairly old so i am going to assume it is, and probably swiss just never bothered with it
@RedWasNotTheImposter but is it?