1,680 PCUwU Comments

  • BMW M1 4.0 years ago

    not bad, but it lacks a little more closed the angle of the rims and brings a defect that makes you skid as if you were on ice

  • WarDog 3.2 years ago

    Excuse me, why are you stealing my chassis?

  • tank track 3.3 years ago

    the tracks catch fire and explode very fast, it is difficult to handle or control, although to make it your start it is not bad, I invite you to try one of my latest tanks to give an idea

  • vk 45.02 (A) mini 3.3 years ago

    @NARGII thanks, besides being cute, it is very resistant

  • VK 45.02 (A) suspension test v2.5 3.3 years ago

    @Bobyo Of course, and I understand you, I remember that I used the wheels and they came out exploding all over the place

  • VK 45.02 (A) suspension test v2.5 3.3 years ago

    @TokyoDrift565 yes

  • Mi-8T 3.3 years ago

    very good control and design

  • Mark hangs experimental No.8 3.3 years ago

    How do you do to strengthen the suspension connection so that it does not break?

  • AH-1 King Cobra helicopter 3.7 years ago

    pretty good, it controls very well, and even turned off the gyro it's still pretty stable

  • TK-5 by randomusername 4.6 years ago

    Tk-5 vs m1 Abrams

  • A3 Rodentia Exarch 4.6 years ago

    I loved the functionality, and I wanted to ask you, can I use your legs to make one?

  • Mikoyan gurevich Mig-31 Foxhound 4.7 years ago

    very good, it has good flight control, its weapons are very accurate and its fuel consumption is stable, I loved it

  • Lizard toymakers helicopter 4.7 years ago

    It is not bad looking, but you must fix the shake that it has since it does not allow to control the helicopter

  • Sniper guy or something like that. 4.7 years ago

    Es genial, me encantó

  • pelican halo 3.0 6.4 years ago

    Quieren que aga una versión más detallada y más grande

  • pelican halo 6.4 years ago

    La versión 2.0 ya está disponible

  • Fine Tuner 7.9 years ago

    Es genial!!!!

  • helicoptero rescatista 7.9 years ago

    Perdón si el helicóptero se va un poco a la izquierda sigo trabajando en eso (próximamente les traeré un soldado que puedes mirar su arma y disparar)