615 PO2Sikes Comments

  • HeloTypeII 7.9 years ago

    @ThePrototype @ThePrototype mybe check out my piston driven quad copter?

  • HeloTypeII 7.9 years ago

    @ThePrototype I also uploaded a VTOL powered helo, it is also a twin rotor stacked design but uses hinges to do 90% of the fwd/back, nd side to side control.

  • Schwerer Gustav 80cm Cannon 8.1 years ago

    @SwagAircrafts totally cool!

  • Schwerer Gustav 80cm Cannon 8.2 years ago

    Is it a working weapon?

  • Help! Lambda Style Imperial Shuttle (Reward For Helping!) 8.3 years ago

    I just posted it under: Based on Lambda class Imperial shuttle @Dllama4 and now it is VTOL just like a real Lambda, but the landing I have not figured out quite yet. Only slight modifications such as a few more scoops for adequate lift.

  • Simple Push 8.3 years ago

    @mblastr two pistons and a floppy rotator and a floppy hinge rotator...
    I thought I might like to do something light and old school... I made my bell cranks myself.