CDid you try searching if it works then search Velosity Infinity once your on and you should recognize the cover picture i used. Hope that helps
What link did you press? Cause the server isn't down, it's probably a parental controls or something blocking the connection to it is a web site about games. Nothing innapropriate @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
Oh, thank you! I’m looking at your bio rn @HamzOOF
Thx! :D @Awsomur
I use OBS Studio it’s really good.
By the way for video rec, look up on google “OBS Studio” it’s full featured and completely free! (That’s cause it’s open source)
Pheeeewww! That is awesome!
oh @Minecraftpoweer
No, I mean didn't you make some mod with a rally map? @Minecraftpoweer
Lol it's @minecraftpoweer @strikefighter04
Island's, like minecraftpower made (I think that's his name) @Strikefighter04
I just assumed you did
Welp, your build don't show it
Oh, lol @Strikefighter04
yeah @Strikefighter04
So, any mod's? ;) @Strikefighter04
So your not dumping SimplePlanes and SR2?
Take a car with suspension then take the wheels off, put propellers in place of the wheels, add a gyroscope to the car. Simple.
I like complexity in its most simple and beautiful form.
Like the concept! here is something similar I made XD
@strikefighter04 @tully2001 @andrewgarrison @philiptarpley
Thank you! you can get the brush set here @MisterT
I know but i just added pictures @randomusername
how about now? @randomusername
Maybe later to much schoolwork, sorry! I wish i could though! just download my this build and tak the gyroscope. Its attatched by a hinge @MTakach
Are you kidding this this is AMAZING!!! it should have like 1000 spotlights
CDid you try searching if it works then search Velosity Infinity once your on and you should recognize the cover picture i used. Hope that helps
Lol I updated simple planes an hour ago!
go to and search what happens?
also where do you live cause that could really make a difference
hmm. What internet explorer and search engine are you using @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
I think the probelm is on your side sorry :/ Have you triedd both links? @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
What link did you press? Cause the server isn't down, it's probably a parental controls or something blocking the connection to it is a web site about games. Nothing innapropriate @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
So how is it? @CrashFighter05
Thanks! @Strikefighter04
Cool thanks! So excited :D @CrashFighter05