Very nice plane, was reminded of it when I read Tom Clancy's Endwar: the missing
cue this -> at 3:20 when sinking a ship.
I forgot to Mention, I give credit to Airplane DESIGN from Tues's ( Helicarrier jets, Many thanks for your Airplane design!
Nice Plane Dude! one of my first downloads. My laptop regrets it by I rate this plane 11/10 would fly again
Very nice plane, was reminded of it when I read Tom Clancy's Endwar: the missing
+1cue this -> at 3:20 when sinking a ship.
I forgot to Mention, I give credit to Airplane DESIGN from Tues's ( Helicarrier jets, Many thanks for your Airplane design!
Nice Plane Dude! one of my first downloads. My laptop regrets it by I rate this plane 11/10 would fly again