The post was not removed by any AI but a moderator, the rules weren't written by AI either. I'm sorry for the frustration but the rule is not just reasonable but necessary.
Throughout the years we have experienced how posts thanking for point thresholds were extremely annoying to anyone other than the person posting and maybe their inner circle. To the point some people just posted that type of craft/forum post to get their friends to upvote it and move on to the next arbitrary threshold.
@V you can screenshot it, but that file has a much higher res. You also can download it in lower resolution from this post without having to go through the "hacking" process. We want everyone to be able to use them as wallpapers or whatever, but for those that want it in the max possible resolution and want to support us, they have those items in the shop.
@Chancey21 we made them for two of the islands and they looked horrible. Topographic maps look great on real terrain, but the absurd slopes some of the game islands have make them look terrible, I can send you the files through discord if I find them
@Planemonster nothing a out our games is simple anymore, that word has piles of irony behind it. If we made this simple it would have had no poll and be just a tshirt hahaha
Although this is an experimental craft, the Experimental category is "for crazy wacky ideas, those that don't fall into any other reasonable category but that". I see where the confusion comes from but this craft doesn't fit that description. I'm going to change the tag to Civilian, if you think Military fits better the craft feel free to update it. Sorry for the annoyance.
@3 no solid number, we received many requests and are going through all deciding who to select. A post should be out soon regarding the start of the alpha
@Micmekox As of right now at least two of the prizes are going to users under 10k, two more to users between 10k and 20k and the other two to users above 20k. Imo a pretty fair distribution, but more advances players may come with strong entries in november.
We discussed it in our last meeting and we think a possible solution would be having a couple tiers of challenges, based on the points of the users
@jamesPLANESii the colors really depend on the product, we haven't sampled all possible combinations so I don't really know tbh.
About the design, there were some extra designs we had to push back either because of not having enough time or the samples being bad and not having enough time to fix and re-sample. If this goes well I'm hoping more designs could be added.
@AWESOMENESS360 I'll edit the post to make it more clear. This craft wo't be considered for the expeimental category, so if you want to take part in the challenge remember to update the tags.
@Chopper18 as I said, we are open for suggestions, if you find a way to pick the judges (I'm assuming anyone that is a judge is not eligible for any of the prizes nor any of their close friends) and a good system for them to decide who wins (what platform to use, how to vote...) that won't take too much time from our side, I'll sure consider it next time. I don't see how you think I'm making bad excuses, I'm just explaining why the decision was made and being open to discussion and suggestions.
@BaconEggs I'm aware of the porblem as I have stated in previous comments, but as you said, it's not feasible, I don't have much time to spare because I'm busy with SR2 and non Jundroo related stuff, and reviewing every single craft takes a long long time. Plus, my judging may not be the best, I'm not really that familar with SP and may not appreciate some things you would.
Something that would help is to have large accounts promoting entries from smaller accounts you think deserve winning.
@WIZARD2017 yup, in VR it's important to get as many fps as possible so people don't get dizzy, and we want to see what can be done with the parts we added in 1.11 without compromising the VR experience. That said, necessity is the mother of invention, I think limiting the part count is always a great way to push for more creative building techniques and thus better crafts.
@BeastHunter read the post, there's an entire section explaining that! It'll be a scoring system based on upvotes, but with bonus multipliers if the part count is lower than the max.
Congrats! @AWESOMENESS360 @ForwardUntoDawn @mikoyanster @jamesPLANESii @WiiMini @meteorbook345 @AvalonIndustries @JuanNotAnAlt @JuanShot2Go
+11The post was not removed by any AI but a moderator, the rules weren't written by AI either. I'm sorry for the frustration but the rule is not just reasonable but necessary.
Throughout the years we have experienced how posts thanking for point thresholds were extremely annoying to anyone other than the person posting and maybe their inner circle. To the point some people just posted that type of craft/forum post to get their friends to upvote it and move on to the next arbitrary threshold.
+9@V you can screenshot it, but that file has a much higher res. You also can download it in lower resolution from this post without having to go through the "hacking" process. We want everyone to be able to use them as wallpapers or whatever, but for those that want it in the max possible resolution and want to support us, they have those items in the shop.
+7Remember you can submit your craft to the VR challenges
+7@SupremeDorian I think you had a typo there
+7You say you're closing all projects but you're just about to release your best craft
+5@Richflysplanes it should be working now, sorry for that!
+5@Chancey21 we made them for two of the islands and they looked horrible. Topographic maps look great on real terrain, but the absurd slopes some of the game islands have make them look terrible, I can send you the files through discord if I find them
+4@WiiMini @jamesPLANESii did that because of the lack of guns, as I already stated they can change it if they want
+4@JuanShot2Go the tag you are missing is just "challenge". I think this build fits more the experimental category tbh
+3@Planemonster nothing a out our games is simple anymore, that word has piles of irony behind it. If we made this simple it would have had no poll and be just a tshirt hahaha
+3Although this is an experimental craft, the Experimental category is "for crazy wacky ideas, those that don't fall into any other reasonable category but that". I see where the confusion comes from but this craft doesn't fit that description. I'm going to change the tag to Civilian, if you think Military fits better the craft feel free to update it. Sorry for the annoyance.
+3Now I got em powers too muahaha
+3@Vincent @V blue is the color of being cooler than both of you
+2I'm moving this one to Experimental, great job btw :)
+2Honestly, you should submit this to experimental, it's so random and cool hahaha
+2@3 no solid number, we received many requests and are going through all deciding who to select. A post should be out soon regarding the start of the alpha
+2@Micmekox As of right now at least two of the prizes are going to users under 10k, two more to users between 10k and 20k and the other two to users above 20k. Imo a pretty fair distribution, but more advances players may come with strong entries in november.
+2We discussed it in our last meeting and we think a possible solution would be having a couple tiers of challenges, based on the points of the users
@Vincent one with a cooler tag than you heh, who's the noob now?
+2@MobileBuilder21 to be fair, I almost mever do stuff for SP or SPVR, I'm mostly on Juno
+1@MobileBuilder21 rude
+1@jamesPLANESii the colors really depend on the product, we haven't sampled all possible combinations so I don't really know tbh.
+1About the design, there were some extra designs we had to push back either because of not having enough time or the samples being bad and not having enough time to fix and re-sample. If this goes well I'm hoping more designs could be added.
I'm updating the tags of this craft to be part of the Experimental category instead of Civilian.
+1@AWESOMENESS360 I'll edit the post to make it more clear. This craft wo't be considered for the expeimental category, so if you want to take part in the challenge remember to update the tags.
+1@Bonelesspizza yup
+1I would consider changing the tag to experimental, as I think this craft fits that category well. Nice job btw :)
+1@bubbatidd We will try to get a beta started on App Lab as soon as we can, but it will be at least a few weeks after the beta has started on Steam VR.
+1Loving the fish, but please, don't submit entries that don't meet the requirements if you don't want to get a strike.
+1@Chopper18 as I said, we are open for suggestions, if you find a way to pick the judges (I'm assuming anyone that is a judge is not eligible for any of the prizes nor any of their close friends) and a good system for them to decide who wins (what platform to use, how to vote...) that won't take too much time from our side, I'll sure consider it next time. I don't see how you think I'm making bad excuses, I'm just explaining why the decision was made and being open to discussion and suggestions.
+1@Default4 you should be able to add it yourself, and the craft is missing more tags than that
+1@RamboJutter at what framerate and resolution? In VR you'd want 90fps, and a really high res
+1@BaconEggs I'm aware of the porblem as I have stated in previous comments, but as you said, it's not feasible, I don't have much time to spare because I'm busy with SR2 and non Jundroo related stuff, and reviewing every single craft takes a long long time. Plus, my judging may not be the best, I'm not really that familar with SP and may not appreciate some things you would.
+1Something that would help is to have large accounts promoting entries from smaller accounts you think deserve winning.
@Harder258 I gave it the tag, we are investigating what is going on with that tag
+1@Chillybaconface the points too? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+1@Numbers2 really appropriate given your name
+1@TheSeventh I totally agree with this but, what would be a better way that doesn't require an absurd amount of work?
+1@WIZARD2017 yup, in VR it's important to get as many fps as possible so people don't get dizzy, and we want to see what can be done with the parts we added in 1.11 without compromising the VR experience. That said, necessity is the mother of invention, I think limiting the part count is always a great way to push for more creative building techniques and thus better crafts.
+1@ReinMcDeer yeah, as we mentioned in previous posts SP 1.12 will be a small update coming alongside SP VR
+1@asteroidbook345 new is a very relative term my dude
+1@BeastHunter read the post, there's an entire section explaining that! It'll be a scoring system based on upvotes, but with bonus multipliers if the part count is lower than the max.
+1You have already been warned about not using a misleading thumbnail, please stop it.
@Boeing727200F I'd recommend not to do that if you don't want to get banned
@AWESOMENESS360 I believe they never expire
@AWESOMENESS360 you can use it however you want, I cand send it to you so you can send it to someone else, or you could just tell me who should I pick
@AvalonIndustries @AWESOMENESS360 do you have discird to get the key there?
@GabrielFangster70 what do you mean?
@GabrielFangster70 @NotNiki VR players can use any craft, even without interiors, in orbital and chase cameras using the joysticks in the controllers.
@Chancey21 what's your discord id?
This craft is not eligible for the challenge because it exceeds the part count limit.
@MashMallow no, you're not! We've pushed the deadline by a week