0 Pete444 Comments

  • "The Toilet" 4.8 years ago

    Mommy look there's a flying toilet going
    Mach 1

  • A-10 warhog 4.8 years ago

    Cool you can solve the fuel problem you need the overload mod you can find it in the main menu and click mods then you click on overload and Fine Tuner it's in every simpleplanes i think if it's not there you need to download it. Enable all these mods . So now you go to your A-10 i call this project you can see in the lower right corner there's now two new characters . The overload mod is the airplane the Fine Tuner is i can't explain it it's on the right from the overload mod. But now we need the overload mod so you choose the wing or the fuselage were your fuel is then click on the overload mod the airplane . Now you can see a interface opend you go to the top and you see part click on this choose fuel tank then you can select a number but it needs to be on both lines capacity and fuel .
    Oh it's to heavy no problem select part scoll down you can see massScale put it on zero .
    The engine's are to big go to Fine Tuner go to scale now you can see width , length and height put all if these to scale it down 0.500 or 0.750 you can choose every number and to scale it up 5000 or 10000 . My english is bad .

  • going the distance 4.8 years ago

    Its working but it's hard to fly in helicopter mode.