Really I don't like most custom ww2 bulids it's already passed but this is just outstanding compared to some of the other ones COUGH (IN WW2 THERE WERE NO LOCK ON MISSLES) very noice.
@SMHrubix from my experience no the plane can be downloaded and no you need to install the multiplayer mod to play with us but..... that is just from what i have heard
@HistoricBirds My call sign hmmmm.... Houston! Favorite Plane B-25 J Mitchell the plane name I don't know ummmm.. Hudson why not I'm really not fitting in :| I'll try my best to show up for the flying bbbuuuuttttt I have school from 9am-4pm sorry :\ I use my dad's decent PC when I get home and have decent wifi ok yup I falied this writing you can accept me or not I probably don't deserve to be accepted waitttt I have discord ya ask me if you want my username sorry if I wasted your time. Here's plane link I can't bulid well I use other people if I'm allowed I'm a he not a she
@CoolPeach ok thanks
@CoolPeach is there anyway I can make the trim more powerful
@CoolPeach I tried the trim and I have to hold pitch down to keep level
@CoolPeach it seems way to front heavy like nose diving on high phisicys (i cant spell)
It's gonna look like doc was a little to loony when he drove it
I'ma try
I need a delorian
@Diloph ok I was just trying to help :)
@Diloph here this might be your wing gun problem
It's not as bad as u think
And I downloaded it
The blue part is flush and it's not supposed to be
It's obviously the right
@CaesarSeizer you deserve to be platinum or mod 4.2 years of your life has been spent here
They also take them down for decapitated chungus
Do we use ur shell
I like the us bomber I haven't tried the uk bombers I have only played those two and uk fighters are better I think
@historicbirds I've got a problem mostly my phone broke right before my birthday yesterday so I got a new one thats why I'm not on discord
Here's what I was talking about
@KwispyWaffelz is that a R6 reference
@HistoricBirds cool
@HistoricBirds can u add me as a member on the post
Yas I wanna sees its
Really I don't like most custom ww2 bulids it's already passed but this is just outstanding compared to some of the other ones COUGH (IN WW2 THERE WERE NO LOCK ON MISSLES) very noice.
@BRuthless ww2 and sorry I just need to get 10 people to join the link
@SMHrubix you can join the discord here and just talk with us
@flyingsteve88 can I ask people if they want to join this discord sever in ur comments
@BRuthless can I ask peps if they want to join dis discord sever in ur plane comment
@SMHrubix from my experience no the plane can be downloaded and no you need to install the multiplayer mod to play with us but..... that is just from what i have heard
I like the backstorys with you planes
@HistoricBirds thank u so I'm accepted
@HistoricBirds My call sign hmmmm.... Houston! Favorite Plane B-25 J Mitchell the plane name I don't know ummmm.. Hudson why not I'm really not fitting in :| I'll try my best to show up for the flying bbbuuuuttttt I have school from 9am-4pm sorry :\ I use my dad's decent PC when I get home and have decent wifi ok yup I falied this writing you can accept me or not I probably don't deserve to be accepted waitttt I have discord ya ask me if you want my username sorry if I wasted your time. Here's plane link I can't bulid well I use other people if I'm allowed I'm a he not a she
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddssssssssssssssss
mine diamonds
Cool peach must get up early or live in a different time zone than me because two hours ago for me was 530
I want to see P-38. And mosquito
@Sulaiman123 but in real life they have jets under the rotors
How do you get it to go forward
I made a blocky version
The DD Sherman
@LancasterAce to show off there very percise robotic sugery arms.
The did the surgery on the grape to show off there amazing robotic surgery arms.
you probably knew that
You should go in there and make two very complex engine with pistions and stuff
Yàaa there one more control group that's surely enough room to put a bomb bay door in
can some one make a version with only a gun mounted on the door