2,884 Pioner85Jetfighters Comments

  • KONDOR PROJECT 3.8 years ago

    Проект крылатой бомбы с ручным управлением. (2 - сброс правой бомбы, 4 - парашут), (3 - сброс левой бомбы, 5 - парашут) обе бомбы управляются правым джойстиком. Я пока не могу разделить управление бомбами и самолётом носителем. Если кто знает как это сделать, напишите пожалуйста в комментариях.

  • Sukhoi Su-7 2.0 years ago


  • HVY Attack Aircraft Challenge (Closed!) 3.5 years ago

    hope there will be a recording of this stream.

  • DDR's National Emblem 3.6 years ago

    Da ist sie! Das wahre und einzige Deutschland! Die Stasi schätzt Ihre Arbeit, Genosse!

  • X-9 Ghost 3.6 years ago

    Cool aircraft👍🏻 and rockets also performed well at medium range.

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 3.7 years ago

    The party is proud of you!

  • CZSmk1.7 3.3 years ago


  • A-100M Attack Ekranoplan 3.3 years ago

    @Selcukk thanks!

  • BTR-446PBM 3.3 years ago

    @Selcukk thanks!)

  • CHx 3.4 years ago

    The plane is very heavy, it lifts its weight with difficulty.

  • SERP-14 Heavy Attack Helicopter 3.4 years ago

    The imitation of the sleeves is very cool. Plus, cool first-person cockpit lighting. In general, the helicopter is good. But he has a serious problem - he burns from the first or second hit due to the fact that all the fuel is in the nose of the helicopter. It is better to remove it from there, and protect the most important parts of the helicopter.

  • Pimp my AFV/IFV Challenge 3.4 years ago

    I was in a hurry, so I take off the BTR-282PB from the challenge. Instead, there will be a BTR-282PBM

  • HVY Attack Aircraft Challenge (Closed!) 3.5 years ago

    I have already reached my technical limit. But I want to replace some technique. Can I make a substitution, and if so, how many substitutions can I make?
    (If that I'm going to replace the S-10Sh. With the upgraded VA-5T / VA-5TM.)

  • AH-55 Charger 3.6 years ago

    @Fox00One Rather MI-6 and KA-52)

  • Na 14e 3.6 years ago

    The variable sweep wing is cool. It's a pity that this mechanic doesn't make much sense in the game :(

  • DDR's National Emblem 3.6 years ago

    @AdMiRaLSoviet у меня тоже весело.
    Ни одной спокойной недели. Я в родном городе практически не нахожусь)

  • DDR's National Emblem 3.6 years ago

    @SRAICJianhang0 Да, я русский.

  • LaC 12 3.6 years ago

    Everything is fine, except for the "mrm" missiles. The radius of action is small, almost never reaches the target, the speed is simply very low, when the rocket is launched, there is a high probability that it will explode.

  • LaC 11PMA 3.6 years ago

    @Selcukk Thanks!)

  • X-9 Ghost 3.6 years ago

    @Xx24reminder You criticize the quality of another player's planes, while your planes look like they were made with an ax, while their technical characteristics correspond to this ax.

  • LaC 11 3.6 years ago


  • PS-cas-1 3.6 years ago

    I liked the armament, especially the bfc.👍🏻

  • TF17-mn test plane 3.7 years ago

    Problems with the engine, when it gets stuck when deflected, the plane stalls into a tailspin. The armament is already decent, but it loses to my MC-1D and several third-party aircraft.

  • The Emblem of the Communist Party of China 3.7 years ago

    @AdMiRaLSoviet Hallo, Genosse!

  • cannon plane 3.7 years ago

    It's funny:)

  • FB-2MS5A (NUCLEAR) 3.7 years ago

    @Selcukk Yes indeed. You need to go at a high altitude and after dropping the bomb, change the course to move away from the explosion site. Therefore, I try to increase the speed of the aircraft in order to increase the chance of getting out of the affected area.

  • TF17 3.7 years ago

    The Erlik missile is dangerous to the plane that launched it. She writes somersaults in the air and cannot catch up with more than one plane. The plane itself is good, it is small, which makes it difficult to get on it.

  • NAB-3(mod. NAB-2(mod. NAB-1(mod. B-A-12)) 3.7 years ago

    @Selcukk :)

  • F-S 12 3.8 years ago

    Poor weight distribution, too sharp roll control, poor vertical maneuverability. Firepower and fuel are excessive. With a sharp maneuver at a speed of less than 500, the aircraft goes into a tailspin. Obviously, the plane is an attack aircraft in class, but for an attack aircraft it is too fast, plus a lot of shaking during the flight.

  • S-5IVP 3.8 years ago

    @Selcukk Aircraft models from S-2md-2 (Sh.) To S-4PKM-IP and S-5IVP are multipurpose aircraft with a bias towards the attack aircraft or interceptor. Low maneuverability is a compromise. But I think the next "S" series aircraft will be more maneuverable in the future.

  • p'p12 3.8 years ago

    The aircraft has become much better, but the maneuverability for air combat at close range is not enough (S-5IVP and S-4IBP twist it and destroy it with a machine gun). But it is 100% protected from missiles (S-5IVP never hit it with a missile)

  • VA-17P Heavy Multirole helicopter 1.7 years ago

    yes, but in length like mi-8, and in mass like half of mi-26. There will be a version with a turret@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore

  • VA-17P Heavy Multirole helicopter 1.7 years ago

    @XxRxX, Of course yes

  • MT-LB 1.7 years ago

    Осталось приделать корабельную пушку)

  • PICK ME UP 1.9 years ago

    now I know what to make an SUV from

  • AE-SPAA M12E4 1.9 years ago

    Missile do not take off, but destroy a tank. The rest is cool👍

  • Valkyrie L5-B Velocity 2.0 years ago

    everything is fine, but very bad maneuvers.

  • Su-7 (Final) 2.0 years ago


  • Sukhoi SU-7 2.0 years ago


  • high altitude interceptor S-21PM 2.5 years ago

    @AircraftGeek500 No, but I did it with an eye on the MiG-31 and MiG-25

  • Tulpar 8x8 APC 3.2 years ago

    The technique is interesting, but there are many design problems due to which it cannot go further than the airfield.

  • L-12 3.2 years ago


  • UAI M101 3.3 years ago

    The shape of the windshield very strongly reminded Zil-130👍🏻

  • I need help wiht the cockpit Design 3.3 years ago

    It's military plane?

  • C-12a 3.3 years ago


  • A-100M Attack Ekranoplan 3.3 years ago

    @Selcukk Yes, there is such a problem. You need to pull the Pitch down while turning. If he still dives with his nose, then the angle of the engines is incorrectly set. You need to press [1] and pull down TRIM so that it is next to the lowest mark.

  • OTRK-12 DUPLET 3.3 years ago

    Instructions for the operation of the complex: 1) So, you got to the place you need and stopped the car. Press [3] to lift VTOL up.

    2) Once the top cover has come out, slide up the TRIM. And turn off the [3] key.

    3) Return TRIM and VTOL to their original positions and press the [4] key.

    4) Move VTOL down and press the [4] key. As soon as the installation expands press the [5] key.

    5) then lift the VTOL up to the stop. As soon as the support has advanced, the complex is ready.

    6) Use TRIM to aim the crosshair horizontally [camera: SPON-M]. After capturing the target, launch the rocket.

  • CZSmk1 3.3 years ago

    In general, the plane is good, but in terms of the attack aircraft, there are a couple of problems.
    1) the problem is armor. The stormtrooper must keep multiple hits.
    2) the fuel tanks in the wings burn very well, it is better to make them a separate part and hide them in an armored body.
    3) Vertical maneuver. The plane is very hard to turn away from the ground.

    Hopefully in mk. 2 of these problems will not be.

  • Can someone help with the cockpit design? 3.3 years ago

    I can, but there are a couple of questions:
    1) is the plane a two-seater? If so, where is the pilot sitting, and what is the weapons operator?
    2) How do I sign toggle switches and buttons? For example: I can sign everything in my language(🇷🇺) and explain the craft instruction in English.