0 Planebuilder14 Comments

  • Choufleur - Sloop 2.9 years ago

    @ShiroNeko actually it does work on mobile i just needed to set the graphics to low also I hope you don't mind but I added and modified a few things to the ship such as a winch for the anchors and some interior details

  • Choufleur - Sloop 2.9 years ago

    That is cool I love old sailing ships do you think you can make a mobile friendly version

  • Is SimplePlanes- dead? 1.4 years ago

    now that juno new origins is released i think it's time for another simpleplanes update hopefully more weapons and engines and other cool stuff that hasn't been added

  • NB-1A black valkyrie 2.0 years ago

    I added another seat in the back for a bombardier and replaced the minigun with wing guns i also replaced the boom 25s with cleaver missiles