@Boeing727200F I couldn't have made it to where I am now without the support I got from everyone, I really appreciate it. At first I didn't think I was going to be greeted into the community by so many people because of the BC-1 being a very low quality build compared to others, but the amount of encouragement I received kept me going to this day. I can only say, Thank you for the support. Thank you so much for the support everyone.
Alright I give up. The F-15 is better than the F-14, but I still keep it as my favourite aircraft. It may not dogfight new aircraft well, it may be outdated, but I stand by my decision. The F-14 remains my favourite aircraft, and no one can change my mind.
@ZeroWithSlashedO your argument is good, but the fact that it wasn't even designed to dogfight just proves my argument. And all F-15s are just like any other fighter. Fast and Maneuverable. But the F-14 brings new meanings to Fast and Maneuverable. The F-14 contains folding wings for slower speeds and higher speeds, giving it more reasons to be loved by all also Making the F-14 the Best and deadliest aircraft ever built.
@Boeing727200F I couldn't have made it to where I am now without the support I got from everyone, I really appreciate it. At first I didn't think I was going to be greeted into the community by so many people because of the BC-1 being a very low quality build compared to others, but the amount of encouragement I received kept me going to this day. I can only say, Thank you for the support. Thank you so much for the support everyone.
+1What is the ammo input for the Wing Gun?
+1I CAN Download it >:(
+1@Majakalona Blade T1000
+1Or just the one on the front
@Majakalona Thank you
+1Not bad for someone with 112 points
@ItsGigi And I'm gonna make it zoom
How did this start with a head from gmod inside a toilet from gmod singing nonsense?
If anything it's a Ferrari, But good reference!
@laquatra5 hello
@Rjenteissussy I know I'm relating to the song 6L GTR bc it's like a 6L GTR
@Rjenteissussy Yes
I'm putting this on my race car. Thank you so much for making this!
Nice one mate!
History is not my thing.
@FairFireFlight what colour hex did you use for the Mach Ring?
Alright I give up. The F-15 is better than the F-14, but I still keep it as my favourite aircraft. It may not dogfight new aircraft well, it may be outdated, but I stand by my decision. The F-14 remains my favourite aircraft, and no one can change my mind.
@ZeroWithSlashedO your argument is good, but the fact that it wasn't even designed to dogfight just proves my argument. And all F-15s are just like any other fighter. Fast and Maneuverable. But the F-14 brings new meanings to Fast and Maneuverable. The F-14 contains folding wings for slower speeds and higher speeds, giving it more reasons to be loved by all also Making the F-14 the Best and deadliest aircraft ever built.
Best name I've ever seen on a post. Cheers for Everybody who has Autism (including myself)!
89 downloads, that's unexpected
@Cuboidable your welcome mate
The camera and seat were off centre, and the throttle and fuel bars were meant to be green, not red
Didn't think my cockpit could become a great build like this. Impressive!
This could be a great drift car if some adjustments were made
@djakaviation thanks mate
What is the funky trees input to round an input to the nearest tenth?
cool plane
@Karroc9522 it's alright, I will probably get it on PC soon anyways. Thanks for telling me though!
Is there any way you can make this mobile compatible?
Not Bad!
Shoutout To @EZMAND999 for this idea. I wouldn't have had anything to do recently if it weren't for you.
@EZMAND999 Your Welcome.
Sure, why not? Doesn't look too hard to make something with. Give me some time to do it though. alright?
Hold on I think you copy to my plane
pls add Jetstar 787
Hello? Could someone help me?
Thanks for silver Everyone!
Big jet is a mig 29
Just remember in the future, make sure to add some landing gear to your planes.
Other than that, I absolutely love this!
Happy birthday
Ok thanks mate
Already made a glider
Just so everybody knows, this engine has no variables, AGs, or reverse thrust
It has been modded to make it faster