311 Plasmeturia Comments

  • M1133 Vulcano 1.7 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes Fixed, thanks for the feedback!

  • Does this happen to anyone else? 1.8 years ago

    @Strucker I already had the hypothesis that this happened with creations that require a lot of hardware... However, I already did the test and this did not happen with such creations, and yes, I already tried to uninstall the game and this has not stopped happening.

  • Nuclear Bomb with simple time detonator 1.8 years ago

    @Goofyahhgoober Everyone should have one... Haha

  • Type-04 Unagi 1.9 years ago

    @Goofy420 :D

  • Goofy ah mf MK.2 2.0 years ago

    Its getting cool, he needs the entire airport runway to be able to take off... XD

  • Hypersonic UAV (FX-44 SENGER) 2.0 years ago

    All thanks to @ssenmodnar

  • M1133 Vulcano 1.7 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes Right I will modify the projectile speed to 2000, in the tests I did, the previous speed reached targets up to 1km without problems

  • M1133 Vulcano 1.7 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes I made it so that the gun can hit nearby targets, it hits targets around 1 kilometer

  • F-5 TIGER 1.8 years ago

    I spent a long time trying to fire this phoenix against other aircraft, only now I realized that it is not an air-to-air missile

  • DRONE NO 162 1.8 years ago

    Self destructs as soon as it spawns

  • Does this happen to anyone else? 1.8 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO Right. I thought you were referring to low FPS type delay... Just one more detail, I believe it's not the system trying to adjust something, This is because it happens even if I don't confirm any changes in Overload, for example.

  • Does this happen to anyone else? 1.8 years ago

    I will describe the problem in more detail and again, there is no lag in this situation. Let's go: In sandbox mode, with some specific creations, I open the keyboard to modify something, the keyboard opens normally without problems, I type without problems, and when I close the keyboard the game freezes for about 5 seconds... Fine Tuner and Overload are enabled.

  • Does this happen to anyone else? 1.8 years ago

    Guys, my problem is not with lag! This bug happens with some very specific creations, and they are relatively lightweight creations!

  • Does this happen to anyone else? 1.8 years ago

    @TheArkanOKB In "Game Settings" change AI Traffic to "None"

  • T-28 heavy interceptor 1.8 years ago

    @Goofyahhgoober Good luck then! Lol, I had to use a gyroscope to keep it stable, the problem is that it affects maneuverability

  • KTZ-56 (auto aim) 1.9 years ago

    @Jayair no problem! just keep building unique things!

  • Type-04 Unagi 1.9 years ago

    @ErraticFire17 thx

  • (Cancelled) Submarine Challenge 1.9 years ago

    Are there any more rules? any additional? I'm advanced. If I'm going to change anything, let it be now...

  • Goofy ah mf MK.3 kamikaze Variant 2.0 years ago

    Man, i really like this design

  • Goofy ah mf MK.2 2.0 years ago

    @Guywhobuildsstuff try to take off from the runway of a land airport

  • Goofy ah mf 2.0 years ago

    I recommend decreasing the size of the roll flaps, it has very sensitive roll controls