0 PreVizsla Comments

  • Tie Interceptor STAR WARS (Hyperspeed) 5.6 years ago

    This looks great and is amazing to fly! I really appreciate the control surfaces and the balance, especially having yaw control. I would upvote it if I could! I'm not sure how to land it (with only group 1 enabled it's very hard to descend from any altitude). I'm thinking maybe I'll just add more thrust to whatever lifts it in AG1?

  • Star Wars - Aegis-class Star Destroyer V.1.0 8.9 years ago

    @Seeras I was wondering, given the amazing job you've done on the beautiful Naboo craft, the B-wing, and just your work in general, if perhaps you'd make a Gauntlet/Kom'rk class fighter as seen in Clone Wars and now Rebels. It's the fighter used by Vizsla and later Maul in the Clone Wars and by the Mandalorians on Rebels (not Sabine).


    If you do decide to model this, feel free to skip the whole rotating wings thing - it gets kind of crazy as the wings can rotate vertically AND spin.