@RailfanEthan ok
@RailfanEthan I have discord but where?
@TheFantasticTyphoon Did they succeed?
@MrVaultech what happened again?
@HarrisCraft Shut up!
@TheFantasticTyphoon He should be wiped off the map!
@TheFantasticTyphoon That’s terrible!
Note: I’ll make a country roleplay post as soon as I’m done with it.
@RailfanEthan ok
@RailfanEthan I have discord but where?
@TheFantasticTyphoon Did they succeed?
@MrVaultech what happened again?
@HarrisCraft Shut up!
@TheFantasticTyphoon He should be wiped off the map!
+1@TheFantasticTyphoon That’s terrible!
Note: I’ll make a country roleplay post as soon as I’m done with it.