105 Quasar19 Comments

  • Bird of Prey (folding wings) 8.9 years ago

    Ha, right after I release my, admittedly, much sh*ttier version.

  • AT-ST 9.0 years ago

    I made one as well, and I'm having the same dilemma.

  • AT-ST V. 1.01 9.0 years ago

    I don't want to brag, but 4 upvotes and 13 downloads in a little over an hour is pretty crazy.

  • AT-ST V. 1.01 9.0 years ago

    Thank you to everyone, I honestly didn't think it was that good XD

  • AT-ST V. 1.00 9.0 years ago

    Everybody, please go to AT-ST V. 1.01, as it has fixed the problem of it exploding (mostly)