1,335 Quikzillian Comments

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    Hottest post in more than one way

  • Guan Yu (Heavy Gatling Tank) 5.0 years ago

    This thing is epic!

    I think there may have been an accident with the download link. It is missing the second row of tracks, and also there are some bolts on the back of the turret that are not attached to the plate.

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    That’s awesome that you were able to see it! I actually speak a little French, so mabey I’ll go see it after the restorations are done sometime.

  • Hurricane crash 5.6 years ago

    This is how I expected planes to crash in SP, all I got was a cockpit flying through the atmosphere at mac 3...

  • Notre Dame de Paris 4.9 years ago


    You got it!

  • XMR-685 GodSpeed (Mod in description) 5.4 years ago

    the link to the mod is in the description (as of now).

  • Shnippy Co. battle ship 5.5 years ago

    No problem! I actually learned a lot while doing it! If ya need any more custom xml stuff, just mention me! @Shnippy

  • Hurricane crash 5.5 years ago

    Don’t worry about it! I understood what your point was. I appreciate the awareness though!

  • (Done)XML request. Info in description 5.5 years ago

    is it working ok?

  • TW-937 Amre 5.5 years ago

    I'm using a steam mod called "Colour Editor".
    Heres a link to the steam page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1199125670&searchtext=editor

  • (Done)XML request. Info in description 5.5 years ago

    Here ya go!

  • (Done)XML request. Info in description 5.5 years ago

    I'll do it! Be done in a sec!

  • M1A2 Abrams - Thumb killer (WIP) 5.6 years ago

    just realised that the color is off because of a screen filter, will fix it in full version

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    I’ll help moderate this a little too, if I see anything like that, I’ll remove it.

  • M1A2 Abrams - Thumb killer (WIP) 5.6 years ago

    Please keep in mind that this is not the complete version, this is just everything I could do in iOS, I’m about to move it to my computer

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago


  • Hurricane crash 5.6 years ago

    I’m also about to release an M1A1 Abrams that I built on iOS. It taken me several days now, but I can only hope to be as good as you are on iOS!

  • Hurricane crash 5.6 years ago

    What a great idea!
    Hopefully you’ll be able to one day, I’ll be looking forward to it!

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    lol, too true.

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    This man speaks only the truth.

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago


  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    True, @shipster, but they aren’t shown, sorta like the dudes in the cockpits (would be sorta bad if they got rid of those...). I guess that’s where they consider it acceptable...

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    @ChiyomiAnzai I see, glad the devs were aware of it.

    (btw, Girls und Panzer is awesome)

  • Notre Dame de Paris 5.6 years ago

    @ChiyomiAnzai Its a shame they removed them from the vanilla game...