45 RAESystems Comments

  • _Instrumentation 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour nevermind please, I just need to update my version of SP. Thanks for this mod...I love it.

  • _Instrumentation 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour The mod doesn't appear on my mods list even if I installed it. Please help me on how I would fix the issue.

  • J-15 Flying Shark 3.4 years ago

    Aircraft is a lot heck too fast, altho the afterburner graphics look great. It's hard to land on a carrier (or even on conventional runway) due to the extreme speed per throttle. It would also be better if instructions on the aircraft features are included.

  • Eagle FA.6 3.4 years ago

    @MEHMEDOVICxINDUSTRIES The current configuration makes it non-stealthy, but moving the external weapons in the internal weapons bay would make it stealthy. So it is up to the user on what configuration he/she wants to use.

  • Sukhoi SU-27 4.3 years ago

    @Cathay001 Thanks

  • _Instrumentation 4.3 years ago

    Hi @Gestour, how do I enable this mod then?

  • _Instrumentation 4.3 years ago

    Does this still work today? The mod doesn't appear on my mod settings when I install it. This also happens with the "_Radar" mod.