Tip, if you want people to upvote, don’t use mods, mods don’t help at all and mobile users can’t use them. This plane could easily have been built siring jets, I thought you had potential but apperantly your to ignorant to care about other people. @GalaxyMustache
T@GuyFolk I mean the one you used to fuel.
Please link the plane and airspeed u made the tanker go.
@JoshuaW Isnt there something on SR2? i LOVE THIS!
+1It musta been ugly! @V4g43und0
@SupremeDorian and @Vincent, maybe Thai post needs to be removed?!
No worries @TheSeventh
+1I’ll spotlight and give upvote if u change the name
Change the name then I might. @PLNE
+1Hey @Rsouissi
This wasn’t a real game bar cause I would have it if it was
+1Soz, just heads up, you can just go onto the beta page and get it no matter what device ur on now! Came out today for iOS!!! @TheSeventh
+1Why the spammmy name
I agree, maybe add a gyro for yaw then another countering it or adding a second tail rotor somewhere may be necessary @spefyjerbf
Go onto the beta post and apply. @Erc90F4RU
It’s only 5 on mobile@theoplanes
+1Oh. @Gregorygg
In the Uk I wish it was this easy to refuel @tsampoy XD
+2In the Uk I wish it was this easy to refuel @tsampoy XD
You know I’m helping you right, @Furryfailure @Mrmancan27775
Non l’anglais? @Gregorygg @Gregorygg
No, u need to either publish or @ me on the post@Furryfailure
Tip, use tags, a fun thing to do in this plane is to use full vtol to go vertical then go normal!
If using Glas don’t have the cockpit there. It is ugly.
Blend ur cannons into the fuelsalage and also, maybe, make use of smooth fuelsalage and also make it thinner.
Tip, ur desc (description) is clumped, publish the plane w/ no desc then write cause then u can use paragraphs
+1@Formula350 on ur bio as a pilot
Can I go on ur profile? @Formula350
The bombs would look more aesthetically pleasing also make this as a normal plane, it has loads of potential. @Furryfailure
+1A minesweeper variant?
Oú habits tu, angleterre. L’anglais?
Good job! Love it just make the plane a bit higher off the ground and use fine tuner to put the bombs into the detachers!
+1Will the landing skid work on carrier?
Tip, never use wings to make a body, it’s not good looking try to use fuelsalgaes
+1Anyone remember zombie tsunami?
The leviathan series. @TheNightmareCompany
Oh! @GuyFolk
Can you not choose the colour by adding the parameter in xml, I dunno. @ALTMTR
+1I’m so sorry just I give true feedback I know I worded it harshly just I’m going through a hard time. Just don’t use mods!@GalaxyMustache
Oh, so u give better range of motion? @GuyFolk
Tip, if you want people to upvote, don’t use mods, mods don’t help at all and mobile users can’t use them. This plane could easily have been built siring jets, I thought you had potential but apperantly your to ignorant to care about other people. @GalaxyMustache
U 3D printed this?!
Gotta love Baymax! @GalaxyMustache
+1Up the tension on the top joint
Look at some of my recent posts to get an understanding of how to make wings.
be real! XD @Mikey101234 @X4JB
This is the og thrust vector/cobra?