Usually the Earth and Moon's distance is 384,400 kilometers (0.002569 Astronomical Unit), but this seems to be 2x less than that. Maybe 192,700 Kilometers (0.00129 Astronomical Unit), though I think this High-quality diorama is great in showing the Earth and Moon
@AYOPlayGames It's big since if it's small, I'll have a very hard time in scaling everything and making them fit. I'm a noooo...b after all, plus, aren't some of the jets here nowadays is huge, right?
You see I was looking for a thing to download to fix my problem that requires to just download a thing and found this... I kinda.. created a successor but I don't want it to be a successor, but I find this helpful
I've watch Attack on Titan, and.. what can I say... It's uh.. more 3 Dimensional than the usual animations I watch.. I like it.. (Correct me if I'm wrong with the next sentence) Armoured Titan next?
Uh... Making the control surface visble and hide the wing with fuselage? Like this is my suggestion (Fuselage: All corners Circualr, Wing tip size 0%).. But this is a great way to make a custom wing! I mean, I see almost all planes with wings like this
@MrShenanigans Okay thank you very much
@SCP1471 Okay
@SCP1471 Yeah I used Thrust Vectoring, but it doesn't pretty much recover from stalls... Also how do I make FBW in the game?
The crab is British.
I like it
@MrShenanigans Wait what ground effect?
What?! No upvotes? Why?
+1So it's totaly cursed right now
@MrShenanigans It has such great maneuverability! (Unlike my flying car)
It's surprising!
Usually the Earth and Moon's distance is 384,400 kilometers (0.002569 Astronomical Unit), but this seems to be 2x less than that. Maybe 192,700 Kilometers (0.00129 Astronomical Unit), though I think this High-quality diorama is great in showing the Earth and Moon
@MinotamaLio When will it get tired (Run out of fuel) I wonder
Oh by the way thank you very much
@AYOPlayGames It's big since if it's small, I'll have a very hard time in scaling everything and making them fit. I'm a noooo...b after all, plus, aren't some of the jets here nowadays is huge, right?
It's flapping its wings on 625 Mph+!
@ACEPILOT109 Oh I really like low-flying
@AmaeroLLC Please don't forget. There is a little issue. In the piston of the Attitude meter, make the invert yes.
@ACEPILOT109 Most of your planes fly properly, Inlcuding this one, It is kinda hard to fly, but the most important thing is, it flies
@ACEPILOT109 Yep, I was really looking forward to dock this thing everywhere
It's finally here... Yey first
I like the letter K
Simple is the best, you know
+1What? 400 Upvotes? Millions of spotlights? What? Yeet
@AmaeroLLC I made an F4U Cursed air too!
@AmaeroLLC sure, It's fine, it's free to use after all
@ArkRoyalTheDDhunter Okay! Does that mean it is too mobile friendly?
@MinotamaLio Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... But I can't catch it, it's flying all over my kitchen!
I like it
@ThatKindaWeeb Okay
How many shrimps do you have to eat before you make your skin turn pink? Eat too much and you'll get sick. Shrimps are pretty aerodynamic
+4@MrShenanigans Now I doubt physics ever exist
Congratulations! Now to head to Platinum!
Question: How do you make planes fly this smooth?!
@MrShenanigans 22 Points left before 5000!!!
+1Nice work on the gears, it's really neat!
You see I was looking for a thing to download to fix my problem that requires to just download a thing and found this... I kinda.. created a successor but I don't want it to be a successor, but I find this helpful
@MrShenanigans Oof...
@MrShenanigans Oh... Also does it have landing gears? It doesn't see to have some
^Vote: I Agree! on what?= Make the Perseverance Rover ^
Wow! That's fast! Did it go Infinity mph? Did it go Infinity mph?
I'm used to lag since my SimplePlanes lag every milisecond,,
@CrimsonOnigiri If I'm correct, the Founding Titan can shift in all Titans?
+2I've watch Attack on Titan, and.. what can I say... It's uh.. more 3 Dimensional than the usual animations I watch.. I like it.. (Correct me if I'm wrong with the next sentence) Armoured Titan next?
+1Credit to @EternalDarkness for the UnderWater Prop!!!
Credit to @EternalDarkness for the UnderWater Prop!!!
Oh, a very special parcel carrying a very special tank
+1Oh, so that's why I see my own creations on my jet stream... Because... Because... T-The site... H-Has.. Hasn't been.. been on an update?
Uh... Making the control surface visble and hide the wing with fuselage? Like this is my suggestion (Fuselage: All corners Circualr, Wing tip size 0%).. But this is a great way to make a custom wing! I mean, I see almost all planes with wings like this