Nah looks fine to me T
@KnightOfRen your mom im joking lol
Tag me ploz monke
@ALRX k but gib monies or no jon wik
No special thanks for me? For killing you dog? :(
Ok commit die lol
@CaptainRex123 is that a warcrime if i don't?
Share your love!? 🤭
Is that real? Or its just made up?
Hallo fellow simplerocketer welcome to the land of Simpleplanes
@DreadDeimos im proud you might get to silver instantly.
@Simps anyways sorry im not in the mood right now but please control your forum nonsenseness....
@Simps im not harsh geez if im harsh i would have used curse words
This is Nonsense
You guys just summoned Satan
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI oh my bad how embarrassing
@Kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneth @ALRX what did i missed in the vc?
@Simps ah ok have a nice day
@Simps how old are you? Btw
Always Andrew Garrison is eternal
@Simps if you delete your account you have to pay money to get your account back lol
I like it when it goes white just like nuclear bombs too..
@Simps we know stop flexing lol
@HighFlyCustoms well yes look it up yourself
Reminds me of honey ants
@rexzion no thanks not interested
@rexzion @FishMiner im just misunderstood he already forgive me of saying "Stolen" and thought of stolen build.
Lol e girl simps
@rexzion similar design im just misunderstood i already apologize to him
@RobinvanRocket my apologies i thought this is not yours there's alot of kirovs that has a Similar appearance to yours..
@The1Big1Finger1111 looks similar
@The1Big1Finger1111 im searching rn
@tsampoy oo nice one you or i should do a challenges speedrun
Sorry if i sound mean im just speaking calmly
@Simps does it look ok to you?
@Simps feel free if you want too.
@Simps anyway this is just nonsense
@Simps why posting this forum? I don't even care if there's spammers we used to it now.
@NexusGaming crap.
Calm down don't be Childish
+1Nah looks fine to me
@KnightOfRen your mom im joking lol
Tag me ploz monke
@ALRX k but gib monies or no jon wik
No special thanks for me? For killing you dog? :(
Ok commit die lol
@CaptainRex123 is that a warcrime if i don't?
Share your love!? 🤭
Is that real? Or its just made up?
Hallo fellow simplerocketer welcome to the land of Simpleplanes
+2@DreadDeimos im proud you might get to silver instantly.
@Simps anyways sorry im not in the mood right now but please control your forum nonsenseness....
@Simps im not harsh geez if im harsh i would have used curse words
This is Nonsense
You guys just summoned Satan
+1@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI oh my bad how embarrassing
@Kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneth @ALRX what did i missed in the vc?
@Simps ah ok have a nice day
@Simps how old are you? Btw
Always Andrew Garrison is eternal
@Simps if you delete your account you have to pay money to get your account back lol
I like it when it goes white just like nuclear bombs too..
@Simps we know stop flexing lol
@HighFlyCustoms well yes look it up yourself
Reminds me of honey ants
@rexzion no thanks not interested
@rexzion @FishMiner im just misunderstood he already forgive me of saying "Stolen" and thought of stolen build.
Lol e girl simps
@rexzion similar design im just misunderstood i already apologize to him
@RobinvanRocket my apologies i thought this is not yours there's alot of kirovs that has a Similar appearance to yours..
@The1Big1Finger1111 looks similar
@The1Big1Finger1111 im searching rn
+1@tsampoy oo nice one you or i should do a challenges speedrun
Sorry if i sound mean im just speaking calmly
@Simps does it look ok to you?
@Simps feel free if you want too.
@Simps anyway this is just nonsense
@Simps why posting this forum? I don't even care if there's spammers we used to it now.
@NexusGaming crap.
Calm down don't be Childish