Direct 90° vertical sustained 20k+ no dismissed bleed, 28 seconds from ground take off / 19 seconds sub 100ft at mach w/ 3 sec to achieve vertical AOA.
Positive AOA no power up to 134 MPH, before dive stall.
Tip: add a little more weight, so stall or low speed don't have delay to commanded movements, also Center of Mass and Center of Lift should be relatively close. As a first build still pretty good.
@MrLabyrinth I appreciate it!
This Aircraft is more than just a machine.
@Xandy let me know if you have other projects, also do you want me to take this down?
I have a rework built in my shop download it let me know and I'll take it down.
I can download and work a fix. I'll try to keep it as close to original design.
@AAAagent7 I can try to make adjustments, any particular modifications you want added while I adjust? Like landing gear, weapons set up, ect.
@luitenant69420. Platform as close to original design. This is yours.
@luitenant69420 I have a modified version ready
Give me prolly 6 more hours and I'll post the fixes.... I'll try to keep it as similar to your product.
Left drag implies he has mirror issue. So manual rebuilds have to happen
I can try to fix your issue.
@BagelPlane we do, in cola. Like a large farva.
Tip: add a little more weight, so stall or low speed don't have delay to commanded movements, also Center of Mass and Center of Lift should be relatively close. As a first build still pretty good.
@Spaceflower Thank you.
@Parehare. Here is my finished product. Please let me know if you need adjustments. There are no mods added.
I have a fix, no wing movement, with out mods @Parehare
I'll Work on some adjustments and post for you, let me know what I can or cannot do.
how does one obtain a company?
@EpicTurtleTG Is there anything you want more of?
I currently have something I'm working on for you.
@EpicTurtleTG What do you think?
@EpicTurtleTG posted, let me know if you want more refinement.
I have made some adjustments, design is pretty much on the mark, I can super tune, but I have a product ready.
I can help you re work some stuff, keeping the basic principle of your design in mind
Be an adault about it.
+1RZW will do its best for it's customers
Sure can