229 Redidee Comments

  • Nightmare Fighter II 8.7 years ago

    And here it is. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/O3H86X/Z-17-Poison-Jab @ChaosPhantom

  • Nightmare Fighter II 8.7 years ago

    Expect a soon-to-be released spinoff in my design process tomorrow. =)

  • For wheazle zone 8.7 years ago

    I fixed the plane for you! If you want to see it, click on successors in the properties. It's pretty hard to miss.

  • OMG (Very Cool) 1500 MPH 8.8 years ago

    Very Looooooooooooooooooooooooong Wings. =)

  • can someone please fix this? 8.8 years ago

    This is why I don't mod the XML file.

  • WHY DOES THIS PLANE ROLL RIGHT!!! 8.8 years ago

    This is probably because air resistance physics are less advanced on an iphone than on an ipad and so your plane has problems with air resistance. Try getting it up to 15,000 feet on your iPad. That should fix it.

  • fastest rocket ever 8.9 years ago

    Account too fake for me.

  • Dog Army (Be king of The Universe!) 8.9 years ago

    The dog absorbed the artifact. Your pockets fill with Dog Residue.

  • Trench Run 8.9 years ago

    It probably means your center of thrust and center of mass are not lined up well. Add pitch control surfaces if it really bothers you. That usually fixes it, at least for jets.@bspboy