30 Redtangodown1

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joined 5.3 years ago

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I love aircraft and have studied them for 8 years and have even flown one (it was a Cessna 172 of course) , and I even have designs for my own aircraft. Most of the aircraft I build will be other people's aircraft but I will add mods and stuff to them and I might do my own craft sometimes, I will also do requests for putting mods in aircraft if anyone asks in the comments section, and I want to make my own but when I think of the design I just can't make it in the game. I am a
also Mustang lover, no not the car, the plane, my favorite plane is the P51D mustang and I know quite a lot about it but not everything. Keep in mind that I don't use PC so most of my aircraft are 1500 parts or under and I can't do the mods that aren't available for android and my builds are not all that easy, I have to tweak the positioning of the mods, the scale of them, and sometimes I have to do some XML editing.