187 Redthunderspartan Comments

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier 5.9 years ago

    How can my iPhone 7 run this

  • my first jet aircraft 5.1 years ago

    So I’m assuming your new to the game. I would suggest putting landing gear on the nose or tail like other people suggested and I hope you make some awesome planes!

  • Boeing 2707-200 version2.0 5.9 years ago

    The snoop droops

  • Vector V.1 6.3 years ago

    Ow wait I forgot

  • Vector V.1 6.3 years ago

    @AliciaAdeline here is the upgraded version I did with a few minor upgrades that helps it fly and look a little better feel free to use it for your own

  • F22 (need help/advice) 4.7 years ago

    @L3dg3ndary thanks!

  • Spartan Scout Vehicle 5.0 years ago

    @Spartan17902 I’m building a version right now with a turret on the top and maybe a few more weapon systems

  • Spartan Scout Vehicle 5.1 years ago

    I do have a few more planes I am working on but there prototypes and don’t fly that well but they’re getting better

  • pontoon plane that dont float 5.1 years ago

    i made it float

  • crepper boat 5.1 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 awwww mannn

  • please help 3rd plane 5.2 years ago

    If it’s nose diving then the nose is to heavy. But let me test it out to see if that’s right or not.
    Edit: you put vtol rcn’s on the nose but the font work because there isn’t a vtol engine

  • Bronze plane Revised 5.2 years ago

    So for the last time thank you for bronze and I will be active with 3 new planes coming out once I get some bugs tweaked out in them

    Btw have a good Christmas

  • Vector V.1 6.3 years ago

    AliciaAdeline I see some flaws in this and I want to fix some if you want me to

  • F22 V1 6.8 years ago

    This is my first version I’m chaging a few things to make it look and work better

  • Warhammer- EX Vulture 6.9 years ago

    Great plane. But could you make more versions like a military one and work on other ones
    Otherwise it’s amazing

  • B25 Folding wings 6.9 years ago

    Comment what you want me to make next

  • Rocket powered plane challenge 6.9 years ago

    @DarthAbhinav I will post again and say the winners

  • Rocket challenge 6.9 years ago

    And your only allowed to use the missles or rockets

  • Rocket challenge 6.9 years ago

    I’ve seen it done my plane wasn’t actually supposed to work it’s just a picture for the challenge