@teddyone02 Yeah, I remember somewhere that l saw you could remove the sound on engines however I'm not sure if I remember correctly, I'll let you know if I find it!
@TheBonePig Go ahead! As long as you credit me in the post then I'm fine with it!
TBH I found the cockpit a bit lacking, aspecially for a jet so I'm really looking forward to what you do with it. (my discord: Renz#9295 )
@teddyone02 Yeah! BTW you don't have to ask if you're allowed to modify my aircraft, l don't really care for followers, likes etc. As long as you don't claim it as your own then l'm completly fine with it! PS. really excited to see what you do with it!
@WindowsIsBad sorry for the late reply, You can use this concept for sure! I'd love to see what you make of it! I based the design on the grumman f9f-3 turret prototype so l'm not the inventor of the concept :)
YOOOO this is fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
@NormalCv580enjoyer it was loosly based on the Grumman GA-7 Cougar however some parts are more like those of the Baron and the Senenca
+1nice man
+1@florky Good man, juist started uni for Engineering so i havent had much time to play sp, thanks for asking! Hope ur doing great!
@florky go for it!
@42 thanks G
+3@ShocK69 yea np
@Khanhlam coming in the future ;)
I Forgot to mention this but l recommend landing while on the brakes.
@JustDragon yeah for sure! I sadly won't be able to test it out because my Ipad is already burning with the Windowless version 😅
+1@teddyone02 very nice!
@Boeing777x thanks! Probably won't be the last!
@CanadianAircraftBuilder yeah!
@Gastonplanes coming eventually ;)
Btw little update on what l'm working on. The next post is either going to be a stunt plane or a short haul passenger liner (a320 type layout)
@LegoBuilderRUS fr fr?????
@maddogfike haha
@teddyone02 the main inspiration was the tbm 940!
@fifoip thank you so much, this means the world to me!
@MrCOPTY yes 😎
@Gastonplanes It has been done!
@teddyone02 Yeah, I remember somewhere that l saw you could remove the sound on engines however I'm not sure if I remember correctly, I'll let you know if I find it!
@TheBonePig Go ahead! As long as you credit me in the post then I'm fine with it!
TBH I found the cockpit a bit lacking, aspecially for a jet so I'm really looking forward to what you do with it. (my discord: Renz#9295 )
@teddyone02 Yeah! BTW you don't have to ask if you're allowed to modify my aircraft, l don't really care for followers, likes etc. As long as you don't claim it as your own then l'm completly fine with it! PS. really excited to see what you do with it!
@teddyone02 go for it, l originally intended it to be a hydrogen powered aircraft but an electric version whould be great!
@Gastonplanes gimme a week and it's done
@teddyone02 good luck haha!
@teddyone02 sure mate! The original was also made on mobile!
+1Looks great! The green suits the aircraft very well and the modifications you made are very fitting!
+2@teddyone02 yea sure but please credit me in the post too!
+1@teddyone02 yea l'd say so
+1@Villageidiot thank you! I spebt a lot of time on this one
+1@TheGliderGuy thanks! I Love your work!
@Cosmopolitan l'm not great with building helicopters but l'll give it a try, if l succeed then l'll tag you in the post :)
+1Greet work! I love the improvements you made!
@TodMakesStuff no l'm sorry
@Whycantimakeagoodplane66 nice! It's a beautiful name, l named the aircraft after the Embraer 121 Xingu :)
@WindowsIsBad sorry for the late reply, You can use this concept for sure! I'd love to see what you make of it! I based the design on the grumman f9f-3 turret prototype so l'm not the inventor of the concept :)
@TodMakesStuff no unfortunately not.
@Nick7777 thanks! It's great to hear that people are enjoying my planes.