2,083 RepublicofWrightIsles Comments

  • MQ-9 Reaper Drone 20 days ago

    Get this man to gold

  • SC 7 20 days ago

    @THEOKPILOT both, if its shot, but if you spawn it with one wing, It probably won't work

  • GIS test 21 days ago

    Is it "stable" on mobile, I mean, does it take up too much memory?

  • Death Star and Imperial Star Destroyer 21 days ago

    It works on mobile

  • Lockheed SR-71 FedEx 21 days ago

    This Outruns Star Destroyer Missiles

  • Sad Story 21 days ago

    @overlord5453 ok, hasn't happened to me, but I trust

  • SC 7 21 days ago

    This thing can fly without a wing

  • Vtol Plane contest 21 days ago

    I already have a vtol plane, can I use that?

  • FT7-2 21 days ago

    Nice build

  • Sad Story 21 days ago

    @overlord5453 I don't over use it, but when your positioning things, I get that the undo button will un position them

  • SPA 40 Heavy Attack Bomber 21 days ago

    @THEOKPILOT I can't see them on your profile, if they are unlisted, please tag me in them so I can see them

  • Sad Story 21 days ago

    The undo button always recovers my builds, because when my builds dissappear, it's always from a downloaded airplane, what did you have on your screen after?

  • Meow M10 21 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes I was going slow and I pulled up, I recovered easy

  • Renault FT-17 21 days ago

    @TheAceOwl *Seven Nation Army

  • Airbus A0.320 21 days ago

    My goofy self made a big bomb plane, and when I landed this, my big bomb plane quite literally kamikaze'd into this thing and exploded it, pearl harbor decolorized💀

  • Meow M10 21 days ago

    My silly self made this do a Pugachev Cobra Maneuver💀

  • Meow M10 21 days ago


  • SPA 40 Heavy Attack Bomber 21 days ago

    @THEOKPILOT I was kinda not checking my notifications, but the body is ready!

  • F-37B Sea Hawk 21 days ago

    @THEOKPILOT Thank You!

  • SPA 40 Heavy Attack Bomber 21 days ago


  • SPA 40 Heavy Attack Bomber 22 days ago

    @THEOKPILOT OK, ill start on the body and the jets, what do you wanna go for, early American, early German, or early soviet?

  • !Me-464-A Super Schwable FIXED 22 days ago

    This Now has a better roll/pitch ratio, and has a lot more feul

  • SPA 40 Heavy Attack Bomber 22 days ago

    @THEOKPILOT I would like to work on a 1st gen jet fighter, ya know, to kinda be in theme with prop planes but also be advancing into the jet age.

  • 2030 22 days ago

    Nice Build.

  • SPA 40 Heavy Attack Bomber 22 days ago


  • Me-464-A SuperSchwable 22 days ago

    Imagine this and a Mig-15 in a dogfight💀

  • Reichtangel 22 days ago

    I was working on a Polandball after this, but I scrapped it

  • Meow M10 23 days ago

    @JetPhoenix OK, I will remember that when he helps me with something

  • Reichtangel 23 days ago

    @ChipAvionics 🤣

  • PSM-51-A 23 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes Yay!

  • PSM-51-A 24 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes Thanks for the link to the generator!

  • F-52A AntiFalcon 24 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes How did you make it move like that?, Can you post the contraption?

  • F-52A AntiFalcon 24 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes I Militarized it

  • Meow M10 24 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes what is your aviation company called?

  • Horten H.XVIII Amerika Bomber series 24 days ago

    It Can't Fly

  • Meow M11F 25 days ago

    I Took a Flight from Yeager to Wright with this

  • Guided Nuke 25 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes I didn't get to all of your posts, but I did get to most of them on the front page

  • I saw a A380! 25 days ago


  • Guided Nuke 25 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes thank you so much! That's really kind, imma go upvote all of your posts!

  • Boeing 737-8 MAX (Norwegian) 25 days ago

    I can't resist shooting down airliners

  • !A-1 Antigravitech Prototype 26 days ago

    @Kerbango Hello! Your posts look really nice, I will check all of them out and see if I would like to learn off of them, I will check back when I'm done, bye.

  • QATAR copper one month ago

    That's a Cl-1201 Body with Rotors? Heck Naw We getting annihilated with this one!

  • Lockheed Martin CL-1201 one month ago

    Re-Post? That's Crazy!

  • (Simpleplanes fastest walker) Charles the speedmachine v12.2 one month ago

    Can you make it look like the Road Runner?

  • Lockheed Martin F-35B one month ago

    I Suck at Landing, So for me it's VTO

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 Z one month ago

    The landing gear doesn't work, it keeps falling out

  • Me-264 B "Amerca Bomber" one month ago

    It can't take off, the rockets just pop off and shoot the aircraft

  • Dusty carrier version one month ago

    10/10 Turn Rate, Navy Should Use it!

  • AT-802U Skywarden one month ago

    [BREAKING NEWS] Dusty Crophopper conformed dead after attempted attack on an Unknown Convoy

  • Su-27 (Able to Cobra) one month ago

    BTW the only thing I made was rotators to make it cobra-able