@F16xl ok, now here's the deal, if you want controll of half the country or aim to be VP, or Co-P, then you have to merge our two nations. We could we come Krakabloa-Wright, or the Wrigh/Krakabloan Confederation, or the United States of Simpleplania!
@F16xl interesting innit
@F16xl ok, now here's the deal, if you want controll of half the country or aim to be VP, or Co-P, then you have to merge our two nations. We could we come Krakabloa-Wright, or the Wrigh/Krakabloan Confederation, or the United States of Simpleplania!
@F16xl inersting indeed
@F16xl there is no vp yet
@F16xl ok, but it's going to be millitary controlled by me and my army
"Reichsspalter" goes hard
+1I made one that has the bigger jets, it's called tutorial plane 2.0
I made the engines have more power..... it went to "Infinity and beyond"
Description is wild💀 (as a planes fan)
@Podphong3212 oh
@F16xl, the speech is here!
The tally is finished, I just need F16xl to WRIGHT his speech
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I'm technically rani IV, due to my VL Pyorremyrsky
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I'm still in fucking reserve💀 even though I've been playing since then
+1@TheUltimatePlaneLover I've been playing since 2022 I think
@LowQualityRepublic nice, I did that once. It caused 100,000,000 deaths
Levitating soldier
@KPLBall can you rate this?
@SheriffHackdogMCPE that's not my link. If you want to find it go here
+1@KPLBall ok
Can I be added as a country? I'm the Wright Isles
@SheriffHackdogMCPE I am on android
@KPLBall ja this is mein disko panzer 4000kw Bass cannone
+2No fucking way
+2@KPLBall that's a pretty good rating. Almost everything is above or at 5
P-26 Ahh name
First thumbnail I see! I remember my first.i was so proud
@User265 and hindu, Christian, Ukrainian, Russian, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Chinese Finnish, and many more. It was used by so many things
The Wrighf Isles Always Perseveres... this thing kamikazed into a flying L3 33 that destroyed our boats @F16xl
@VarisOnAviation MAPA...😢
Golden Trophy👺👺⚔️🤺