@WENHUAISHI pls make your perfectbillty has one detaching de armed armor so when i get shot by the uss beast i can detach it so it will look like it was damage
@Afkslot uhh what are you building you are offline for days and months where are you are you dead or not beacuse you not uploading pls be online again pls or i will be sad and you are at silver you cant stop making things like that pls say if youre quitting so are you qutting or not if you quit im sad if you quit and im still online dont mind that thing that says offline in my account im actully online im just joking to others ofc
And when your done fixing the left hand give me link of the fix left hand version @Afksot and also i thought the virtue can walk so its ok that it cant walk its cool btw and can ypu make the mobile friendly version of the virtue in Feb 5
@MOPCKOEDNISHE make android version fir me please i wanna try it
+5Is it for mobile?
+4How do you turn on the monitor on the copilot
+2Can you pls make without mods but have a cockpit
+2@Majakalona how did you do that u just click a link and it send me to edit forum
+2Where are the lights when i load another plane?
+2Can you upload it now please i wanna try it
+2@AfkSlot this thing count down
+1@AfkSlot its so much closer now
+1@AfkSlot its getting closer
+1Looks very familiar to me Also T
+1Planes we made when we were kids
+1@Tingly06822 Woah woah woah did i heard that right or im hallucinating
+1How can my phone handle this?
+1@Zer0x1 check his post
+1@64blocks he will continue it at 2024 dont worry
+1@overlord5453 Bye nice meeting you btw
+1@TheMouse Remember me you are the one who joined my challenge and your place is top 1 congrats Also press F to pay respect to the people who died guys
+1@GuardianAerospace Thanks
+1B1B Lancer is 1000000x better than the TU16
+1Is aerial fixed so you can build the rest of it?
+1@Stinkyrice are you gonna still work on the Aerial Gundam?
+1@LunarEclipseSP Ty but im not talened to build so how?
+1Ask @Afkslot
+1Can you make gp03s vr without mods but has a cockpit
+1@TheMouse https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1931877/Long here select all the link and see if its long it took me many hours
+1@WENHUAISHI pls make your perfectbillty has one detaching de armed armor so when i get shot by the uss beast i can detach it so it will look like it was damage
+1@AfkSlot oh okay
+1@Afkslot uhh what are you building you are offline for days and months where are you are you dead or not beacuse you not uploading pls be online again pls or i will be sad and you are at silver you cant stop making things like that pls say if youre quitting so are you qutting or not if you quit im sad if you quit and im still online dont mind that thing that says offline in my account im actully online im just joking to others ofc
+1@monsnotthemonster we live in the same country p
+1@Darzaviationoficial you are parpicitated to 150 parts challenge build beacuse its gonna close in 5 weeks in friday
+1Can it move?
+1Does it move?
+1Wdym mine doesnt realese the beam
+1Just customized it added an cockpit interior and more details
⠄⠈⠉⠻⢿⣿⣿⡀⠀no way only 981 parts
And when your done fixing the left hand give me link of the fix left hand version @Afksot and also i thought the virtue can walk so its ok that it cant walk its cool btw and can ypu make the mobile friendly version of the virtue in Feb 5
+1Hey afkslot im your fan can i test the virtue
+1☭ soviet union be like
+1Its probably the ver. or the hinges or shapes and sizes and all of them you tried but didn't work its the ver. for sure @Afkslot
@AfkSlot ok but @Zer0x1 is crashing
@AfkSlot uhh mine is crashing
I bet you @SILVERPANZER to make a tank that can transform to a car to a boat and a plane
Attention everyone sorry if @Afkslot is taking so long to upload it he/she is making versions of it
@AfkSlot sorry to ask this but can i have early access this im the same guy that tested the virtue
Works nice on mobile
@AfkSlot its been a week and no realease?
Finally after 8 years i saw it drop
Jk i coded it to be 3 sec
@AfkSlot its getting more closer
@AfkSlot ok chill dude