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joined 9.5 years ago

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I love creating things, I love my life as a student, I want to go to see the world, most importantly... I now make everything but planes in a plane game! Silly but cool
ps: I now also make all sorts of vehicles out of games(mostly halo), so if you like games as much as I love them, do check my posts frequently, it may offer you what you wanted.
pss: I am starting this motorcycle building thing, maybe I'm having a teenage crisis? Idk, but hey, it's gonna be a fun ride.
psss: I have recently notice that it seems like I should thank everyone for upvotes, but I just feel like it’s too much of a standard procedure, so yeah, thanks everyone for upvoting all my posts! They really mean a lot too me, y’all are one of the main reasons that’s powering me to make more stuff. Hey guess what, you don’t get a red notification when I thank you in this way, you’re welcome fellow ocds(¯?¯)