1,418 Rifimaka Comments

  • My discovery on Variable Swept Wing 2.3 years ago

    Yeah, COL dont affect speed but affect how sharp you turn, thats what im trying to say.
    The sharper you turn, the more speed you lose while turning
    The opposite thing happend, the less you turn, the less speed you lose
    It basicly makes you less clumsy with the control.
    Or maybe it also reduce the drag, i never notice the difference on my plane between sweep and no sweep until now

  • How to make it pitch ? 2.8 years ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 a rotator with angle set to 40 and 70 for speed

  • My discovery on Variable Swept Wing 2.3 years ago

    Heh, most of the problem i discovered on my plane are usualy (or tried to be) solved with speed and power anyway.

    But still thanks to everyone commented giving me more view about drag and lift.