@MosquitowithaMachineGun But the maneuverability is quite bad😢 , I could cheat to increase the maneuverability, but I want realistic maneuverability like in the real world
Sbnernya gw juga gabisa bikin cockpit si ,ni aja masih berantakan,tapi kalo bikin Bentuk kepala nga gw bisa bantu ajarin ,
Asalkan jangan kepala jet gen 5
@LunarEclipseSP thanks
+2@IQinventory thanks
+2@Fellyfell I don't know,
+2I'm just building
Heli in the usual way
for a beginner
@C47skytrain Maybe later
+1@Rob119 Alright
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun physics = High , graphics = Low , Shadow = medium
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun But the maneuverability is quite bad😢 , I could cheat to increase the maneuverability, but I want realistic maneuverability like in the real world
+1@LunarEclipseSP Maybe
+1@dabestsock It seems a bit complicated, but I'll try.
+1@upperflat ehehe
+1@IQinventory thanks
+1Thank you for the information, because of you now I am able to make an AI plane.
+1@LunarEclipseSP Okay, maybe someday I will make it
+1@LunarEclipseSP yupp, You are right,But I didn't name it E-767 because it's not 100% similar to 767,
+1@DLAERODYNAMIC I originally wanted to make a special house to operate the missile, but I only thought about it after I uploaded the project.
+1@DLAERODYNAMIC It's too difficult for me
+1@IQinventory It seems like all aircraft with thin sides or a hexagon shape will never be able to become (AI), especially stealth aircraft 💀
+1@IQinventory So far Flanker is quite difficult to use as an AI, but I'll try it, thanks for the advice
+1@IQinventory Ask for advice, what aircraft (AI) should I make next?
+1@LunarEclipseSP Haha , That's right
+1@Varrell007 akun lu gabisa gw follow jir
+1@Varrell007 FB lu yg mana ?
+1@Varrell007 Wokee, ntar ane coba bikin,
+1Video ny Gw kirim lewat FB aja ya
@Varrell007 kyknya demen bgt Ama mig-25, tutor apa dulu niih? , soalnya banyak,tapi ntar gw coba bikin dah ,
+1@Varrell007 Aku mah masih pemula ,
+1Btw lu main lagi bro ?
@Wolf21 thanks vroh
+1@TheTomatoLover It's done bro, but you might be a little disappointed because here I only made a few changes
+1Not refinement
@AquaViT thanks masukannya bro
+1@Varrell007 thanks
+1@WolfHunter9111 yup..
+1Sbnernya gw juga gabisa bikin cockpit si ,ni aja masih berantakan,tapi kalo bikin Bentuk kepala nga gw bisa bantu ajarin ,
Asalkan jangan kepala jet gen 5
Heheh, yeah maybe later
It seems a bit complicated
@DynamicHorizon 👏🏻
@TheNewSPplayer heheh
@ArshiyaKing from Indonesia bro
@Svyatoslav0107 Да, я видел на ютубе, такой устанавливался на прототип Т-50, но мне удалось сделать только такой, а не такой, как на видео
It looks like you are right
@Kodyboi For VR I still can't make it
@4848 You're welcome, bro.
@4848 Yes, I have made it before, but I think I will make it again, because I really like the su-33
@Vikram123 j-35/j-31
@Trainzo Do you have any other suggestions for planes I could make into an AI?
@WizNick thanks bro
@IQinventory thx vroh
@IQinventory What other aircraft do you recommend for AI?
@Trainzo thanks
@Lem113 Hi also