Damn that plane looks smooth! I would want to hesitate, but couldn't help it. Please give The Crewmate a shot as a background Ground-crew. (Thnx for reading)
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(look at my profile pic while reading for full experience)
A challenge ain't a competition. jk
just a suggestion:
the situation:
unfair match-ups during challenges, for instance, platinum players commonly dominate over the much lower ranks, causing the crowd's attention to divert directly to the plats, leaving the low ranks further behind.
during the awarding, making 'rank brackets' would pretty much do the job.
'Rank brackets' is simply dividing the participants into groups according to their ranks, therefore creating a pretty fair match-up for everyone.
so during the awarding, there will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for each rank, not one for all. judging might be harder though...
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@banbantheman one of happy's synonym is 'gay', literally
+1@Nightgems np
Tbh the first one looks more like a lagg-3
@NexusGaming kwasunt'
+2@banbantheman hardbass intensifies
+2you went through all that trouble
@banbantheman omg what a conspiracy
+2that, might be possible at this point
the imposter is stuck
+1Now call in the SIMPoster
@ChrisETH xad
@ChrisETH those old comments that they made are the one's to be treasured. those are the remembrance that they'll be there.
@ChrisETH yep, i have to agree on the one
+1@ChrisETH we all know that they were the ones in that five download mark
+1@ChrisETH i see...
it's sad to see them leave.
there were. they're gone. hoping they'll be back soon.
An artifact that could lead us to the buried facts about the vey first account users of simpleplanes. This might be a clue to 'anonymous'.
Why are people bringing this up again anyways. I THOUGHT WE WERE OVER WITH IT ALREADY.
I'll be honest, this is quite good, the only issues i can find were already stated, so since i'm here, i'll drop an upvote.
@PlanePlaneThe66373637 even more flat then my gf's chest
cuz i don't have one
Damn that plane looks smooth! I would want to hesitate, but couldn't help it. Please give The Crewmate a shot as a background Ground-crew. (Thnx for reading)
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@ChrisETH ooh noice
@johas23 Glad to hear that!
+1It's not an F-104. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
+3@PlanePlaneThe66373637 ngl, 2020 bronco looks like it got it's blueprint from a 1980 box car
@APilotOfPlanes good to hear that then
@KnightOfRen thanks again!
and um, why are you doing this?
@KnightOfRen o...oh...
i might try
+1@KnightOfRen i agree
oh btw thanks for spotlight!
@KnightOfRen i just scavenge some forums to find something interesting
i think i'm addicted now. lol
@KnightOfRen sometimes,
i just refresh every 5 secs. lol
@KnightOfRen o...oh
um, thanks, again...
@KnightOfRen wait, wha~?
@KnightOfRen Glad to here that!
That's a real deal.
Удачи товарищ
(look at my profile pic while reading for full experience)
A challenge ain't a competition. jk
just a suggestion:
the situation:
unfair match-ups during challenges, for instance, platinum players commonly dominate over the much lower ranks, causing the crowd's attention to divert directly to the plats, leaving the low ranks further behind.
during the awarding, making 'rank brackets' would pretty much do the job.
'Rank brackets' is simply dividing the participants into groups according to their ranks, therefore creating a pretty fair match-up for everyone.
so during the awarding, there will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for each rank, not one for all. judging might be harder though...
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@CharlesDeGaulle wheeze on leclerc, aka the 'louis vuitton' designer tank
Little Willie
it's just a box
@KangaKangaTheRoo so don't bully us
+1@SmashGrabJr that one's reasonable though
@SmashGrabJr and that's what i hate...
@rexrexThezion i see
@rexrexThezion i'm playing 3, the two are for back-up.
i mainly use USA.
backup: Germany, Britain
@rexrexThezion bruh i'm only at 4.0
+1don't bully me please
@XAircraftManufacturer fictional is good, looking forward to that
@XAircraftManufacturer oh...
any bomber will work then
A Simple Aircraft:
"The Last Gunfighter"
@moistcottonbud ah, i see...
+1thanks a lot!