15 RyGuyMcFly Comments

  • How to use missiles in the sandbox mode. 7.9 years ago

    That's not how you fire missiles... Press the arrow to the left of your flight controls, this will switch to weapons mode. Select 'Air-to-Air' or 'Air-to-Ground', depending on the missiles/bombs you've equipped. Select a weapons system, lock on to a target, and press 'Launch weapon'. Interceptor and Inferno missiles are fire-and-forget, meaning once you've locked your target, you can fire the rocket and look away. Guardian rockets are much faster at acquiring locks, but you must keep your target within the aiming circle until it hits them. Bombs and rocket pods are free firing and do not lock on. You're welcome.

  • R.I. Hydra Q2R Prototype 7.9 years ago

    @ChaMikey Thanks for the input!
    - I would switch the roll and yaw, but since it isn't an airplane, I think I'll leave them the way they are. Honestly at this point, they do the same thing, rotate the plane on a Y axis. In theory, the yaw controls are supposed to strafe the craft left and right, but since yaw automatically controls the RCN's, it also seems to turn. If I remove the RCN's, the yaw (strafe) works properly, but the craft becomes MUCH harder to control. I will try and find a workaround.
    - I already have them set very slow, setting them slower makes it impossible to regain control if you start to wobble. I find using mouse as joystick makes the plane easier to fly and negates this problem. Once I have a truly stable build, I may lower their speed again. Good point though.
    - Noted, fixed. Thanks!
    - Yeah I'm not sure what to do here either... RCN's? I mean, it does work, but not well, and it looks a little silly...