@LucasNicky カスタムコックピットはパーツ数が増えるし難しいから できないんすよ… (日本語でいいかな…?)
As an aside,this car can endure 5500HP
Sorry… I Mistaked
I understand Thank you for your advice
@dAsupRboT Should I erase it? this
@dAsupRboT I'm sorry
@MSGamezYXZ360 Thank you for your comment Turning off 8 makes takeoff realistic I also don't speak much English I really appreciate the existence of Google.
As an aside,this car can endure 5500HP
I Mistaked
I understand
Thank you for your advice
Should I erase it?
I'm sorry
Thank you for your comment
Turning off 8 makes takeoff realistic
I also don't speak much English
I really appreciate the existence of Google.