@joeysellers imagine this......allied ai that could follow you and if missile lock is detected on you they chase the opposer.... Now I know it sounds outrageous and most likely extremely hard..... But please give it thought and maybe tell me whether or not my idea is doable....
Ok but I didn't anyway @AfterShock
@AfterShock can I use modded cockpits so they aren't huge
Can I go for Australia
@Flightsonic it isn't like it just happened
lol I'm on a field trip to Japan
+2:) @Apehorse19
Really cool
@SimpleFlow and has a vertical spin problem
@SimpleFlow one of the left vert wings is pitching down when I pitch up and vise versa
@Apehorse19 I don't give a crap is what it means
Dang this is the work of a god..😇
@Apehorse19 btw I think the landing gear extension is a bit 'non satisfying'
@Apehorse19 ya but I just don't think I can power through
@DankDorito I my stop by at least once a week
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Suicide is never the answer
@NathanMikeska make this an actual part for those iOS users
im leaving ;(@Apehorse19
Ok @SimpleFlow
@SimpleFlow can I use xml just to cut down on part count so it is mobile friendly
@oDDDynamics @CrazyCodeC link up
There was no copyrighted stuff too
@oDDDynamics @CrazyCodeC I had the vid up and it was copyrighted from some random people so I made a dispute and I'm waiting for a response
@DankDorito what do you think
@PINK @DankDorito @Apehorse19
@DankDorito muahahahaha this is a job for iOS non-modders
@hypnotoad Rest In Peace
@PINK @DankDorito @Apehorse19
@Apehorse19 DAAANNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!! (Ferrari better keep up ;)!!)
I made a varient of this may I post
Super cool
Smaller than .25
All I did was the cockpit switch so the fuselage pieces wouldn't register as placed
@MrVaultech and surprisingly I did this tutorial 100% on iOS. But I don't know how to add screenshots
@MrVaultech not me I'm just recording it
@MrVaultech lol master coder working on breaking iOS's no mod attachment in the files
@t8erh8er Cali's you also make a puny rocket pod with a tiny wing attached
lol totally derped up vs you
@joeysellers imagine this......allied ai that could follow you and if missile lock is detected on you they chase the opposer.... Now I know it sounds outrageous and most likely extremely hard..... But please give it thought and maybe tell me whether or not my idea is doable....
@SirGareth Aw thanks
@NativeChief1492 kinda got my f6f hellcat feel
Um no @t8erh8er
@szeged6724 köszönöm
Can't fly
Btw take off on bandit