142 SPJaredMoses Comments

  • Is the Kraken Killable!?!?! 4.1 years ago

    I modded my wing guns' damage to over 9000 in Overload menu, which was used to instantly destroy Brown Pearl and USS Beast in one shot. So I used it on the Cthulhu, it failed. I even set my Boom 50's explosion scale to 150, also failed. So no

  • Vinyls/ Decals/ Stickers 4.1 years ago

    How about importing custom decals (jpeg or png images) from your file storage?

  • The Illuminati 4.1 years ago

    Forgot to mention. When in combat, the laser weapon (AG1) is intended for medium-to-far ranges. Any attempt to shoot anything in a short range will result in no damage at all. Use the laser strictly for medium-to-far combat.

  • Toppat Airship 4.1 years ago

    @JJ0plane thanks

  • Toppat Airship 4.1 years ago

    @UnguidedMissile ah yes noice

  • P.E.T.R. Griffin 4.1 years ago

    What kind of comedic monstrosity have you created?

  • Toppat Airship 4.1 years ago

    I checked the other Toppat Airship incarnations in this website, and honestly they look ugly, no offense. I made this with a transparent blueprint image of the aircraft.