Which kinda includes this, 'cause I originally made this as a joke plane, because B1 is often called "bone", and y'know, Bone-R, h-haha (how the f-ck did I think this was funny oh my god...)
But then I thought it looked good, so I made it better
Aight, great
The instructions are:
Grab a rotator (not hinge)
Use the overload modder to set input to "LandingGear"
Set minValue to 0
The attach a bare wing landing gear 2 it
Yeah, but it also sends u to SP purgatory
How does this only have 5 upvotes?
Also do you have any idea about the KA-58?
Yeah tbh
Still sometimes use it tho
U prob should lol
Btw, this is one of the good written pieces I wrote on here
@Eagleman010 knows about the other type...
Ho hey, it's the one in that yt video-!
Here's the context if u needed it
This is from a fictional world for context
@(Name of person you want)
Goddamn, once a thief, always a thief
Just upload it unlisted, and tag me, like how I did with the gear test
Wait wat
Send me the plane lemme see...
That's even worssee, sorryyy-
I'm goin with P-40
Which kinda includes this, 'cause I originally made this as a joke plane, because B1 is often called "bone", and y'know, Bone-R, h-haha (how the f-ck did I think this was funny oh my god...)
But then I thought it looked good, so I made it better
Yeah, just wanting to add to the effort of putting all of the ahem ahem odd stuff I said during the RLAF phase
+1Nah, it doesn't affect flight at all, just looks silly
Yeah, I did, as the Lasa flag didn't make sense anymore
Lemme make it smaller
No probs~
Also if you 're struggling, I can upload a plane that demonstrates it-
Aight, great
The instructions are:
Grab a rotator (not hinge)
Use the overload modder to set input to "LandingGear"
Set minValue to 0
The attach a bare wing landing gear 2 it
Looks really cool, flies very well, though the wings get warpy when u turn...
It is what it is
Also I think there's a way to do so
Do you have the overload mod turned on?
Because why not?
Joined as well...
Hehe, thanks..~
Reminds me of this one post with an F-14 but no wings, Think it was called smthn like tomcot :D
Yeah, prolly
That's right, so no more insane screaming...
No probs, always happy to help
[Whatever text u want](link to website/post)
Oh boy, if u think I made a lot of J-20's, wait 'till u see my M-38's
No problem
Here's how
Where does this goober land on the Miguel family line..?
I suggest
Wing 2
Hey, uhh, how do you stop it from doing drifts once you'entered AG2?
POV: Ace Combat 7
It is, it's just that the wings look like the Draken...
He's just like you fr
I knew about the SU-25, but MIG-27'S-!!
No offense but I still thought they used MIG-21's and 15's