It spawned ,so Ur righ on the 1st one~
The Eurofighter literally has [AI] in the title, *unless you changed it..~
(Wait what the hell, you did change it, but the one I have had AI in the title, and I didn't put it when saving?)
I feel like the fighter scenario would be a bit far fetched, but it could also be an interceptor, meant to spot and take out bombers, or even ICBM's, using the afformentioned upper air capabilities
I feel like Air To Air missiles wouldn't fit for this thing, it'd more probably be something like a deep strike aircraft, using its supppsed stealth and upper air capabilities, it would presumably climb to altitudes where radar would have trouble locking on (I've decided at around 50km [160k feet]) when it nears the US, and would probably carry nuclear Air To Surface weaponry, or kinetick weaponry (like a really heavy metal rod that would hit the earth at great speeds, because terminal velocity, and would do tons of damage)
Bud, there isn't a flight computer in this game, the closest one, the gyroscope, is kinda arse,
There ain't flight computers in this game, right~?
Dassa lot of canards
Fair point, but it also has horrid turn time ;w;
It don't even got no explosives-!
Finally, someone who gets the difference-!
Very goofy indeed
+1Bc why not~?
+1Bus indeed
+1Does it explode?
It explodes
It spawned ,so Ur righ on the 1st one~
The Eurofighter literally has [AI] in the title, *unless you changed it..~
(Wait what the hell, you did change it, but the one I have had AI in the title, and I didn't put it when saving?)
Yes, and because it's a really cool boat~
It's a vehicle with a radar
10/10, peak fiction
Hasn't spawned yet for some reason, along with your eurofighter~
I have no Idea, my brain just kinda put it there lmao~
Every once in a while, I just kinda come back to this, and look at my first milestone~
+1I feel like the fighter scenario would be a bit far fetched, but it could also be an interceptor, meant to spot and take out bombers, or even ICBM's, using the afformentioned upper air capabilities
I feel like Air To Air missiles wouldn't fit for this thing, it'd more probably be something like a deep strike aircraft, using its supppsed stealth and upper air capabilities, it would presumably climb to altitudes where radar would have trouble locking on (I've decided at around 50km [160k feet]) when it nears the US, and would probably carry nuclear Air To Surface weaponry, or kinetick weaponry (like a really heavy metal rod that would hit the earth at great speeds, because terminal velocity, and would do tons of damage)
+1I did lol~
Bud, there isn't a flight computer in this game, the closest one, the gyroscope, is kinda arse,
There ain't flight computers in this game, right~?
Oooh, definitely~
Just looking past old versions and parts~!
I dunno, I thought it said "for 10 years"
Do I make a MIG-25~?
Bc I kinda wanna~
Jalbert :D
10 YEARSS~!??
An absolutely
Build as usual~♥♥
+1Again, how are you not famous already~?
Even ur main account deserves thousands more points/followers~!
"I want to understand the enemy"
A$s plane~
God is dead, and this is proof
Ik lol~
Doesn't affect flight that much tho, at least with this variant~
+1Thanks ;w;
Seeing that red white red roundel made me the biggest Turkish nationalist for 3 seconds lmao~
Thank youu~♥
+1Well, unscrap it~!
+1Yeah, duh~♥
Why else would I mention you on my SU-22 post~?
Also I'm still kinda waitingg~♥
Oh buddy do I have news for you~
+1Oh ok~
+1Also, what does psm mean~?
Yipi indeed
What does PSM mean~?
"Radar jammer"
+1More like
"Aeronautic motion sickness inucer"
That's a sick ass boat
This is one of the first planes I downloaded~!!
+1Same tbh~
"Most maneuverable aircraft"
More like
"Overcomplicated and uncontrollable lag machine"
Also, do you have any idea on how variables work, and if they can be used to make aircraft more maneuverable~?