Goddamn, how hard are you cookin~?
I bet that shit's gonna be so realistic that the US government will pull you in for interrogation because they'll think that you stole secret documents~
It spawned ,so Ur righ on the 1st one~
The Eurofighter literally has [AI] in the title, *unless you changed it..~
(Wait what the hell, you did change it, but the one I have had AI in the title, and I didn't put it when saving?)
Bud, there isn't a flight computer in this game, the closest one, the gyroscope, is kinda arse,
There ain't flight computers in this game, right~?
No to which one?
Are you still distracted or are you cookin~?
I might just be a dumbass but I can't get it to take off ;w;
"Decent cockpit"
Okay but why is it so detailed~?
Wait a goddamn minute, this thing has
Better thumbnail this time~
(Not much of a bar to pass since the last one sucked ;w;)
Sorry lol~
I'm running out of ideas so bad it ain't even funny anymore
Looks like an X-32 if all the details that made the X-32 an X-32, were amplified 1000×, and all other non X-32 details removed
That one f^cking bird that I hate
Yeah, that's an AHGM
No offense but the war in Ukraine is getting more like a WT match every day
Oh shit ur right
Screenshot it tho
War Thunder moment
Is it the writing that's ass, or the fact that I wrote a fanfic between 2 airplanes?
"Highly maneuverable"
Yeah, sure, totally
Still very good tho :3
I am so sorry for what you just read ;w;
Bit it's a fasker~?
The instructions don't have anything ABT the engine~?
Peak aviation tbh~
Now THAT'S a redicilous amount of weapons~♥
Look at your profile~!!
Oh my god, why do y'all love my J-20's so much~?
Yeah, best sniping plane 4 sure~
No problem, because you really deserve it~!
That does not look simplified omfg~!
Hey, uhhh, how do you activate the engine~?
Not as good as the other ones, but still a solid 8/10~!
Apart from the guy on medical being, like, 2 feet tall, this is a 9.75/10 build
Also sorry if it might be a bit unstable, it should mostly fly ok ;w;
Goddamn, how hard are you cookin~?
I bet that shit's gonna be so realistic that the US government will pull you in for interrogation because they'll think that you stole secret documents~
Goddamn~! it's been a week, I'm physically holding myself back from making it and releasing it myself-
Dassa lot of canards
Fair point, but it also has horrid turn time ;w;
It don't even got no explosives-!
Finally, someone who gets the difference-!
Very goofy indeed
It spawned ,so Ur righ on the 1st one~
The Eurofighter literally has [AI] in the title, *unless you changed it..~
(Wait what the hell, you did change it, but the one I have had AI in the title, and I didn't put it when saving?)
Yes, and because it's a really cool boat~
It's a vehicle with a radar
10/10, peak fiction
Hasn't spawned yet for some reason, along with your eurofighter~
I have no Idea, my brain just kinda put it there lmao~
Every once in a while, I just kinda come back to this, and look at my first milestone~
Bud, there isn't a flight computer in this game, the closest one, the gyroscope, is kinda arse,
There ain't flight computers in this game, right~?