35.1k SPairforce Comments

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    It’s a 5th generation fighter, so it will be around the 2000’s or so, seeing as the F-22 officially entered service in 2005. 5th generation fighters are harder for me to make in SimplePlanes, so that’s why I started early to give me enough time to finish it. The bad news is I probably won’t be able to make any new aircraft for a while since my focus is entirely on the current project.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I’m working on a new fighter, only problem?
    Gonna have to wait a while before it can be put into service.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    Hope we get more Allied Fighters, the new enemy planes are going to be tough to beat, (I did a test flight of the newest one).

  • War challenge: 1917 (closed) 2.6 years ago

    Put a couple weights on yourself, get in an airplane, climb as high as it can go, and then jump out. That’ll be the closest you can get to supersonic in this era.

  • Hawk 2.6 years ago

    I see you’ve upvoted the inferior/past version of my new plane.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    Indeed. With the new fighters that re coming out now, the hunts should be rather enjoyable.

  • F-17 Hawk 2.6 years ago

    I see now, I'm very interested to see what our allied comrades come up with.

  • F-17 Hawk 2.6 years ago

    I was thinking more along the lines of a F-14, but I can see where you get that from. I'll have to ask the host of the challenge if I can use nukes (probably not).

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I love the screenshots of aircraft you put for the challenge. It really helps me imagine the scenario that is playing out, not to mention that the screenshots themselves are good in their own right.

  • 2022 Batmobile 2.6 years ago

    This batmobile design has really grown on me, and the chase in the movie was amazing.

  • F-17 Hawk 2.6 years ago

    yeah, whenever I build a variable-geometry wing aircraft, it ends up being pretty maneuverable without me having to do modifications, so this was easier than I thought.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    Closer to the mid, to late 70’s.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    My aircraft is finished, just have to wait for a more appropriate year to come, hopefully it isn’t too long.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I'm currently working on a Fourth Generation Variable Geometry Wing Fighter. Let's just say that the aircraft's performance so far has been pretty good and, after I work out some finer details (interior cockpit and exterior of the plane), should be posted close to its appropriate time frame.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    This might be hard for me, as it sometimes takes a while for me to build planes, so I’ll probably end up finishing a plane, only for its era to already be over. I’ll try not to let that happen though.

  • I'd like to try a challenge... 2.6 years ago

    Very interesting, I’ll consider it

  • F-6 Leopard 2.6 years ago

    I'm sorry to disturb you, as I don't normally request mods to do things for me, but could you make this plane a successor to this challenge. I know you may recieve this request a lot, so I'm sorry if this seems like a waste of your time.

  • 5000p GOLD trophy 2.6 years ago

    Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈on Gold buddy.

  • XG-7 LRBT 2.6 years ago

    On second thought, no thanks, I don’t want it.

  • XG-7 LRBT 2.6 years ago

    What did that cat drink? And I’m where can I get some?

  • Global War challange(Closed) 2.6 years ago

    Is this another Franz Ferdinand situation?
    You know, where a guy gets assassinated and the world goes to war over it.

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    As much as I want you to do another, you need your rest man. If you are to do another one (which I hope you do sometime in the future because these are really fun), try doing a lower intensity than the war with Snowstone. Perhaps we could be doing a Anti-Terrorism operation, assault on the Kraken, or an Alien Invasion. Do you have Maywar by any chance?

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    Might be a little hard for me to think of what to do defensively, since all of my aircraft were created with an offensive scheme in mind, unless you want me to destroy the defenses on krakabola.

  • A-2 Javelin 2.7 years ago

    Also, don’t try to maneuver much with the wings swung back, it doesn’t work out well, especially when the aircraft is unbalanced after firing one of its cruise missiles.

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    That’s good to hear! Don’t want the war to go for too long, you know, for their sake.

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    I see now, thanks for clearing it up.

  • Model-23M/65 "Archangel" 2.7 years ago

    YES!!!!!! we now have another carrier capable aircraft for the war effort. I can tell you worked really hard on this plane for the challenge, and you must've really pushed yourself to get it done in time for the challenge. I would spotlight this plane if I could.

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    Also, good luck with Operation Grand Slam.

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    I honestly don’t know, maybe it just lists the people he saw participating the last time the host of the challenge was online?

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    Damn we’re really trying to destroy everything they have aren’t we.

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    That’s good to hear, every little bit helps.

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    For an upcoming war I presume

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    Did someone say another conflict? I would very much look forward to participating in another war.

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    My thoughts exactly.

  • Noordefabriek O.LXVII 2.7 years ago

    This is really nice and sleek, well done 👍

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    I think it may be because this challenge is more open ended in terms of what people can build. The fact that the creations themselves have to be built fairly quickly due to a hypothetical war going on could also be a factor.

  • AGF-10L 2.7 years ago

    You're welcome.
    Your fighter has better turning performance than mine does, so good job.

  • AGF-10L 2.7 years ago

    Looks like it was inspired by the Bf-109, I like it. Nice job with this fighter man!

  • I think I’ve caused a controversy 2.9 years ago

    For the record, before the post was deleted, I made a comment stating that my question was intended as a joke and shouldn’t be taken seriously, but some people didn’t listen.

  • How do I cause a controversy? 2.9 years ago

    My recent forum post asking if there was a men’s month got removed. RIP.

  • How do I cause a controversy? 2.9 years ago

    LOL 😆, now I know exactly what not to do.

  • Testing Medium Bombers (Recorded Livestream) 2.9 years ago

    Thanks for flying my plane, and, sorry for screwing up the action groups a bit.

  • Northrop F-5 Tiger 3.0 years ago

    OH MY GOD 😍

  • AirSus Rotodyne A39999999 3.0 years ago

    Passengers describe this plane as a once in a lifetime opportunity (you only get to fly once alive), ignore what people say of its safety, they’re obviously lying.

  • HunterStriker is open for business. 3.0 years ago

    Can I join?

  • Thoughts on what’s happening around the world. 3.0 years ago

    Stay safe out there, or at least try to.

  • I'm Gold! 5,011! 3.1 years ago

    Best of luck to you in the future. Continue making great builds.

  • F-22 Raptor 3.1 years ago


  • 2 Years Q&A! 3.1 years ago

    Do you prefer replica builds? or builds that are fictional, but partially inspired by real life planes?

  • Wait,I am gold now? 3.1 years ago

    Congratulations 🎉
