1,936 SPflyer222

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joined 8.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

I am a male living in Illinois. I have an unusual interest in aircraft and rockets. Must have gotten it from my dad, who is a pilot. And another thing.........................................................................................

I LOVE SIMPLEPLANES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to use an account called Nalas, but now I am using this one. If you want to see some of my old planes from a few years ago before there were weapons, check out my old account, Nalas, Also check out Aiden21, he is my cousin!

I hope I can get to 5,000 points this year!

I will give upvotes to people who need them. I will also help people build things or fix them.

I do not upload planes that often anymore because I have started school, but I will try to upload something every week or 2