2,240 SSGTWolf Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 8.3 years ago

    @XthehungrymigetX you are so correct.!.

  • MOD engine 8.3 years ago

    so what you're saying is that if it is darker the thrust is increased?

  • AiroWolf Cockpit(WIP 2) 6.8 years ago

    Nice, @Colonel1J2R3Wolf @Stellerlabs look at this madness, oh great, internet connection starting to go, well see you later.

  • Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero 5.9 years ago

    Hey, long time no see how have you been?

  • Me be like 6.4 years ago

    @StarActor159126 Yeah, color or console, neither matter, what matters is that we are all equal in our own rights.

  • Me be like 6.4 years ago

    @StarActor159126 I sort of have been off for a long time, I almost never come on anymore, the last post I was EVER going to do was the F4F Wildcat, sorry. :(


    @doge You even mentioned yourself, XD, My latest build was that of a F4F


    Wow, I've been gone a LONG time...

  • F4F WildCat 6.5 years ago

    I guess no one likes my builds.....

  • (Wolfskämpfer)WS-1A-1 6.6 years ago

    I read your description I must say I'm impressed sorry to hear you'll be offline for so long, you could have made gold by now if it wasn't for the fact you guys went off. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you surpass me someday soon.

  • Which Paint Scheme (10K SPECIAL) 6.8 years ago

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf Too bad you can't stay, I can't stay either, I have things to do also.

  • Which Paint Scheme (10K SPECIAL) 6.8 years ago

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf Oh, well then, I would say C also.

  • Messerchmitt Bf-109E-7 6.8 years ago

    IDK why I can't spotlight, but I wish I could. I am glad I left you in charge of the AiroWolf series. Glad to see you are doing well. @Colonel1J2R3Wolf

  • Project Decent Fighter 6.9 years ago

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf Did you ever finish it?

  • AiroWolf Mk.XXXXI-A(WAF)[Basic] 6.9 years ago

    Would spotlight but I can't for some reason, the button is gone, GTG.

  • B-29 Superfortress double 6.9 years ago

    @Lovcio Can't say I have a lot of experience on Simpleplanes, but I have been doing research lately. I have no time to really come on anymore, due to my injures... speaking of, I need to go and clean them, then do rehab, my legs and arm will never be the same, so working on it, even if I could, would be even more difficult WITH me, so I think maybe I can post somethings to help, but other than that, I can't really do much...

  • WAF T4-1A 7.0 years ago

    Oh, and you got more points, funny I'm going to sleep too, well, good luck to you!

  • WAF T4-1A 7.0 years ago

    Did you make this Colonel? HOLY SHIT man! This is considered BAD?

  • AiroWolf RD MK.II-A(Wolf Armed Forces) 7.0 years ago

    Hmm, RD, is that for, Radial Design? and Wolf-Armed-Forces, I think I have heard of that group. Are you the lead designer? If so, do you also make the tanks? and M.O.C. what is that? Too bad I can't stay long, I have a lot to do, this is the first time in like 2 months I have been able to get on...

  • AiroWolf Mk.V-A 7.0 years ago

    @danman12 That is correct, he is now the keeper of the series, I like what he's done with it so far.

  • Project Decent Fighter 7.3 years ago

    @ThePlot No, I am only here RARELY to check, but @Colonel1J2R3Wolf can! :) Good luck!

  • flak gun! 7.5 years ago


  • flak gun! 7.5 years ago

    I know you your going to say thanks this is just preemptive thinking :)

  • flak gun! 7.5 years ago

    No problem @Colonel1J2R3Wolf I love these things, I am going offline again though, I just came to say great job on silver ;)

  • Combat tank 7.5 years ago

    @Pikapilot Tell @Colonel1J2R3Wolf to help you, I refer him to help, he's better at it, also I'm retiring, I leave all of my upvotes, to him, I have had too much, he is going to take over any and all series that I have created!!!

  • Wp-6B engine dead(adjustable) 7.6 years ago

    @Multidimensional HMM...???? I'm back for a little bit, my friend just died, I'm going to his funeral...

  • Spitfire Mk.IIB(More accurate) 7.6 years ago


  • Spitfire Mk.IIB(More accurate) 7.6 years ago

    IDK why it's not showing up as a successor... I only rework planes and I won't be on for a few months.

  • B-1 Battle Droid 7.6 years ago

    @JayDay60 IK, also I'm Staff Sargent, not Sargent.

  • B-1 Battle Droid 7.6 years ago

    @TheFreemaker wow, I've seen every movie(except the new ones) these look just like the battle droids, from episodes 1-3.!!!

  • the 24/7 public servers 7.6 years ago

    @LoganS that was a long time ago, it's 04:56 here, I am going to my job in a few hours.

  • the 24/7 public servers 7.6 years ago

    @pavthepilot @LoganS this is the current server I'm on, 0 lag RN

  • Wp-6B engine dead(adjustable) 7.6 years ago

    @LoganS @PavthePilot also @Multidiemensional

  • Wp-5A 7.6 years ago

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf Okay, I see, also YW very much!! :) TTYL I geuss

  • Wp-5A 7.6 years ago

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf I hope that your computer can record Avorion, I just bought it for you on steam,!

  • Wp-2A 7.6 years ago

    @pavthepilot his video messed up so here is real link, bye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soYU7Y2S5tQ

  • Wp-2A 7.6 years ago

    @pavthepilot XD, just watch he porbably figured out to edit the video to make it easier to see.. XD his videos aren't the best for sure!

  • Wp-2A 7.6 years ago

    @pavthepilot I dig it, also @Colonel1J2R3Wolf isn't very good at Youtubing, XD he's a noob at YT!!

  • Wp-5A 7.6 years ago

    @pavthepilot he is going to make a vidoe RN, about what, IDK...

  • Wp-2A 7.6 years ago

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf glad I didn't miss the party, also thanks for featuring me in one of your videos!

  • Wp-2A 7.6 years ago

    @pavthepilot more on the way!
    I am uploading it now!

  • 1940s Aircraft Challenge Results 7.6 years ago

    @XjayIndustrys if you look at my planes you'll see why I was in dead last XD

  • the 24/7 public servers 7.6 years ago

    @plane118 it's laggy on mine, I have a crap computer though so I think it makes sense.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.6 years ago

    Any active servers?
    Please tell me, I would love to join!

  • Me be like 7.6 years ago

    Hmmm, I can help you with some vehicles, my treat, : ) I'll help you get many upvotes, AND you'll have planes to shoot down others with! : )

  • P-40E-1 simple(better) 7.6 years ago

    Also, sorry for the late one but, thank you very much @ThePrototype !!!

  • P-40E-1 simple(better) 7.6 years ago

    Thanks @doge , @SarcasticCommander , and @helilover03

  • P-40E-1 simple(better) 7.6 years ago

    Thank you @multidimensional and @NativeChief1492

  • entry 1-1-3 7.6 years ago

    @Multidimensional TY, I made the P-40, and messed up a bit, I am fixing it on pc, so BRB!!!

  • Flying wing Challange [closed 7.6 years ago

    @doge ???? How, the, what?????!!!!!!!