345 SSSS33333333 Comments

  • NF-45A 1.2 years ago

    @LunarEclipseSP Yes, but in fact, I removed and modified some of the appearance and functionality to make it look different from reality, and also took a fictional number. Anyway thanks for your comment.

  • F-15 easy 2.2 years ago

    nice made .but no one ups.

  • F-15C Eagle 2.3 years ago

    It's like real, but nobody comes to see.

  • AC-130H 2.4 years ago

    Ok,thank you@FPSmiku

  • AC-130H 2.4 years ago

    @FPSmiku Really?if true ,would you mind telling me who the original creator is ?

  • GD-TA.1 Tit -Rebuild- LADF 2.4 years ago

    it’s great and detailed , but no one ups.

  • Boeing 747-400 Malaysia Airlines (Retro Livery) 2.4 years ago

    The 747 was really done like reality, but there were too few upvotes.(my english is bad)

  • V.A.F NF-47 ''CrossThunder'' C 2.7 years ago

    @Bellcat Thanks for your comments! Oh yes, I think so too. I build my own planes and nobody uses them or make any comments.I wonder ,too.

  • SAF SU-35 3.9 years ago

    @r1r1theusername Yes,it's true,I built this myself,although many of them look similar on official websites. :)

  • SAF SU-35 3.9 years ago

    @FlightTester Well, in fact, I have incorporated some Sukhoi aircraft designs, such as the reduced acceleration plate that does not exist in the su35...By the way,isn't the su37 with canard wings?I remember that there are canard wings in the su37.Although the Su-35 had canard wings, it was an old model.Sorry I can't differentiate them well. :)

  • SAF SU-35 3.9 years ago

    @MajorSix Thank you very much for your kindness.But I am afraid I can't.Because I have little time to build things.So I am very sorry about that. :)

  • SAF SU-35 3.9 years ago

    Oh,there is another one,AG5 if for the second engine. :)