I personaly do not now how to code in xml (i hope to learn), but you can request people to make special things for you like unlimited fuel, modified power engines, resized and rotated parts, and so on. @Draco92
Oh and I just want to say to any Devs or anyone else reading. The new features are awesome. Each and every one of them. It is like Christmas and I hope this helps get SP more popular and recognized
@aseder Thanks
good job
sweet, and @Alltimelow it is nice to up vote even if you have a tip.
Thanks so much @TheMasterSoldier
I personaly do not now how to code in xml (i hope to learn), but you can request people to make special things for you like unlimited fuel, modified power engines, resized and rotated parts, and so on. @Draco92
Oh and I just want to say to any Devs or anyone else reading. The new features are awesome. Each and every one of them. It is like Christmas and I hope this helps get SP more popular and recognized
Is the other big island desert? I only found the Arctic one @Chip2222
Very smart
Here is a trick. Save you plane as a sub assembly. Go out of the beta and use the sub assembly to post it on normal SP.
Very nice in terms of accuracy
Thanks @Misha1004
Nice suspension with the hinges @DeezDucks
Yeah sorry @General360
Yeah lol @Glaceon
Oh to bad I didn't use this on my LCS
My mac can run this game fine on max settings @General360
Hah @ccooper
Love those type of people @Flash0of0green
Just saw your co,net and thank you. Up votes are always appreciated @redbear89
Thanks @DeezDucks
Thanks @aseder
And yes it is a little too wide @Flash0of0green
Then look at a picture. And also I am not perfect @Flash0of0green
Thanks @Blazeinfinity
It isn't attached to the cockpit so you can download it and plus, I did it for this
Sorry Devs and Mods
I didn't really build this to be mobile friendly @ian1547
Much thanks @General360 @ACMECo1940
@SimpleKingdomAerialTesting Thanks
@Liquidfox thanks. and yes needed to get around the beta
@Manboy very glad
@bjac0 @Thefalloutplayr New non beta and mobile friendly version
I know and I am working on it. @Thefalloutplayr
Thanks @JMicah4
Yes, I am working on it. I think that just uploading it from my beta SP makes it restricted so I will have to figure that out too. @bjac0
I am very glad my work paid off@bjac0
@JMicah4 @BaconAircrafts @bjac0 Thanks. and how does it look?
@ ACMECo1940 @TheMasterSoldier
No not really @jsaret
It is nearly impossible to merge that type of round fuselage with a cockpit and tail. good job all around
get pumped. Do you not get the meaning @jsaret
Best airliner 2016
That's nice @Dredex
The real haters are the butterfly murderers
I don't know I haven't tried, however I didn't use nudging to make it @swat132