@leeeeex704 ok
@leeeeex704 put on a flat surface on a boat
@DepressedMan2912 no it went mach one around a lil bit after take of its not the flash of planes
The f14 isn't that fast
Make another video like a simple planes dog fight vid
Can u put this on a ship or something
Guy folk sukoi made a new 6th gen aircraft its the su75 checkmate
@Ilikeacecombat can u giv a link
It doesn't go ip or down
@Ilikeacecombat code?
@GuyFolk give a date around when u will post a guess to when some times I get inpatient soo
How do u get super monuverability on it
When are you even posting this plane
@GuyFolk ok
@GuyFolk k😪 will u make a new f22 like u are the su57 plz fix the post stall ability every time I do that my plane stalls every five seconds
@parkrangerjerry bro u hate on his plane
@rexzion boi ur plane sucks balls breh stop hating hr he profile sucks balls
@GuyFolk hi can u help me out by making a plane for me im not good at making planes so could u make a p51 please
Make another f86
U should make a post stall sukhoi 30
U need to fic ag1 its broken it went out of control for me
When u gonna make a more realistic plane like a new p51 c or h idk
@PhilipTarpley where can I find the planes
Where can I find the planes
@leeeeex704 ok
@leeeeex704 put on a flat surface on a boat
@DepressedMan2912 no it went mach one around a lil bit after take of its not the flash of planes
+1The f14 isn't that fast
+1Make another video like a simple planes dog fight vid
Can u put this on a ship or something
Guy folk sukoi made a new 6th gen aircraft its the su75 checkmate
@Ilikeacecombat can u giv a link
+1It doesn't go ip or down
@Ilikeacecombat code?
@GuyFolk give a date around when u will post a guess to when some times I get inpatient soo
How do u get super monuverability on it
When are you even posting this plane
@GuyFolk ok
@GuyFolk k😪 will u make a new f22 like u are the su57 plz fix the post stall ability every time I do that my plane stalls every five seconds
@parkrangerjerry bro u hate on his plane
@rexzion boi ur plane sucks balls breh stop hating hr he profile sucks balls
@GuyFolk hi can u help me out by making a plane for me im not good at making planes so could u make a p51 please
Make another f86
U should make a post stall sukhoi 30
U need to fic ag1 its broken it went out of control for me
When u gonna make a more realistic plane like a new p51 c or h idk
@PhilipTarpley where can I find the planes
+1Where can I find the planes