@CoolPeach yeah but devs should add an option to disable it, 'cuz it actually ruins the fpv, for exemple in biplace jets, for me this option should come with glass fuselage update
@WarHawk95 eh bien merci de proposer mais je suis très irrégulier et souvent avec des amis lorsque je construis, donc je vais devoir refuser pour l'instant
Ok, it's very simple, you just put a fuselage part and give it the shape of a wing, and a wing part into this fuselage, after that you make exceed the control surface (for putting them as flaps you need XML Editor)
@MisterT you're a genius BUT it doesn't work with glass fuselage sadly :(
@CoolPeach yeah but devs should add an option to disable it, 'cuz it actually ruins the fpv, for exemple in biplace jets, for me this option should come with glass fuselage update
@Dad uh ok thx x) anyway it's a bad Idea I think ^^'
Your device must be powerfull to run that x)
@Eiro not really ^^
@NinjaPro de rien ^^ c'est à moi de te remercier pour m'avoir motivé pour ma dernière création
@LucasNicky thanks ^^
@WarHawk95 eh bien merci de proposer mais je suis très irrégulier et souvent avec des amis lorsque je construis, donc je vais devoir refuser pour l'instant
@WarHawk95 oui ^^
Merci pour votre engouement :)
Et c'est un magnifique flop! x)
Cette commu est cruelle!
@Aldriech oh :( ok thx
Ok, it's very simple, you just put a fuselage part and give it the shape of a wing, and a wing part into this fuselage, after that you make exceed the control surface (for putting them as flaps you need XML Editor)
@XAircraftManufacturer ahah i made a video, i maybe will post it ;)
@Boez I use the 1..8.1.0 version
Evidently better than mine x)
Altitude max is exactly 214 748 364 fts
I'm flying 4.5M mph to reach the limit
@Boez It will, just click on "Android" link ;)
@Boez "Upload with screenshots"
@Mustang51 ahah yep, if i had the patience to finish all these builds it was partly thanks to you and your encouraging comments ^^
@Mustang51 Yep i have copy it :)
@Trainzo thanks :)
@Mustang51 thanks :)
@edensk an error I guess x)
@Trainzo thx
@Trainzo thanks sr. :)
Thx sir
Ahah i've try to increase the speed but it downgrade the stability
Yep that's a great one
@MorrissetteAirplaneCo Exactly
@GERMANGAMER1 Yep it's a first version :)
@Trainzo thx :)
Beautyful bird