Too bad it doesn’t have VTEC...
Okie dokie @randomusername
It was posted in off topic
Oh. Ok then @enzoBoeing757
@enzoBoeing757 I think my sources were referring to the commercial variants
That’s one slurpy boi
Ok @Crickey101
I’d understand that @Planebuilder09
Very good
Votre avion est incroyable!
Pinnacle of human existence.
Thank you @JolyLoly
Why thank you. @TrislandianAlliance
No problem@Trainzo
I’m done with it. @Noname918181
Thank you@Noname918181
These builds need more attention
Oh. Thank you for the info@rhuetherjr
If you break apart the engine, there are pistons inside@Planeacceleration
Oh ok but can you make a version without mods I’m on ios@Noname918181
Ok but what does it need to look like. I can make custom landing gear, but you can’t expect it to be perfect
No, you won@Hedero
Your one of the winners@AxHellino
@Hedero @AxHellino @Randomdoggo
Oops. I forgot the ded line
great replica
Great job. It looks like a cross breed of many modern supercar
Why tho @HarryBen47
It looks amazing.
Thank you for the feedback@PlaneSmith
Very nice, but august 25 dedline?
A paint-job@Fartspoppop
Idk the latest one@247freddyfasbear
It is. @247freddyfasbear
RAMBO MADE A FUNCTIONAL COCKPIT, WHAAT?! Good job, this plane is great.
Does this challenge still exist?
Yes, but your latest entry will be the one that is scored. @AxHellino
Great job!
Thank you for the amazing score! @GlargiBoo
I see. Thank you for the example @MAHADI
Well, it didn’t really matter because this was a kamikaze-style aircraft
Ok. Thanks@MAHADI
SANITÄTER @belugasub
Too bad it doesn’t have VTEC...
Okie dokie @randomusername
It was posted in off topic
Oh. Ok then @enzoBoeing757
@enzoBoeing757 I think my sources were referring to the commercial variants
That’s one slurpy boi
Ok @Crickey101
I’d understand that @Planebuilder09
Very good
Votre avion est incroyable!
Pinnacle of human existence.
Thank you @JolyLoly
Why thank you. @TrislandianAlliance
No problem@Trainzo
I’m done with it. @Noname918181
Thank you@Noname918181
These builds need more attention
Oh. Thank you for the info@rhuetherjr
If you break apart the engine, there are pistons inside@Planeacceleration
Oh ok but can you make a version without mods I’m on ios@Noname918181
Ok but what does it need to look like. I can make custom landing gear, but you can’t expect it to be perfect
No, you won@Hedero
Your one of the winners@AxHellino
@Hedero @AxHellino @Randomdoggo
Oops. I forgot the ded line
great replica
Great job. It looks like a cross breed of many modern supercar
Why tho @HarryBen47
It looks amazing.
Thank you for the feedback@PlaneSmith
Very nice, but august 25 dedline?
A paint-job@Fartspoppop
Idk the latest one@247freddyfasbear
It is. @247freddyfasbear
RAMBO MADE A FUNCTIONAL COCKPIT, WHAAT?! Good job, this plane is great.
Does this challenge still exist?
Yes, but your latest entry will be the one that is scored. @AxHellino
Great job!
Thank you for the amazing score! @GlargiBoo
I see. Thank you for the example @MAHADI
Well, it didn’t really matter because this was a kamikaze-style aircraft
Ok. Thanks@MAHADI
SANITÄTER @belugasub